your number one enemy really is ?……you may have thought it’s the devil, but surprisingly
you have to deal with yourself !
I am a first generation Christian. My parents did not raise
me as a Christian deservedly apart from leaving me duped in a certain catechism
classes where I learnt sacraments and denominational believes. I am still not
sure, how I ended up in the “Church “and hearing the gospel other than it was
the sovereign will of God. I grew up as young Christian without encouragement
from home, in fact at times with opposition, misunderstandings and criticism.
Even in this day, some of them are still embarrassed to tell pals their son is
a preacher. That hurts, just to be a “Christian “I paid a price that some of
you who have had the blessing of having grown in a Christian homes know nothing
Should my (your) daughters have to pay the same price? They
have the blessing of growing up in a Christian home because of the resilience
of their dad contending in God.
Nevertheless, having to contend for your faith does
something for you; it puts spiritual steel in your back. Am praying that God
not to let my second -generation believer children lose the fire and passion God
has put within their parents because we had to fight for it. Can they learn to
stand for Christ in their own right…..what kind of children have you brought
up……as their faith in God is concerned ……and do you know yourself as either a
1st, 2nd, or even 3rd generation Christian ?
The second-generation believers are not only soft
Christians…they cannot contend for the kingdom of God out in the world.
Sometimes our kids come home having been picked and put down by their
classmates because they are Christians, because their dad is a preacher, but
they are also seeing God move, answering their prayers and using them to
witness to their friends. The danger facing them though, the spiritual second
or third generation is losing the desire to contend for their spiritual
Some of us, who were moving in a realm in God (don’t you
know yourselves or you are reprobates) that was more than what we are moving in
now, have ceased to contend for our inheritance -------God call us rebels. We
have to maintain the discipline to secure our inheritance. We must spend time
in prayer, band together with saints in relationship and covenant, witness our
faith and share our faith in the community and with the lost dying world. AMEN
…and do you know the second enemy in your life …….it’s not
the devil, you have deal with yourself.
A Publication of Holy Gospel Assemblies …
Plain truth.