Politics doesn’t have to be business as usual ; the typical Expressions like “ we don’t need older, unattractive people making policies we don’t appreciate, or It’s better to have younger, attractive people making the policies we don’t appreciate “ , as witnessed both slogans are all false for a starting County like ours . Fielding people just for the sake already plunged as on a fault start!
We believe Busia Woman Representative like other legislatures should be vivacious and talented policymaker, Capable of serving on multiple committees out of merit not because committees are / must be filled in those houses.

Hon Susan Mangeni brings with her immense experience, her capabilities have proven her as competent leader unparalleled . She is a leader who cultivated her own successful career, amassed her own impressive accolades from a humble background , Madam Mangeni is respected for her political activism from an early age, because she believes in things done better. She will indeed turn heads .....
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