Tuesday, May 17, 2016

America is a good World Prefect, than the East many have called as Lukewarm.

The USA has always for good reasons been the world's police force or prefect if you like for many years, and spends more on its military than any nation in the world. Of course even if the US stopped being her brothers' keeper....war would not stop .  What many are asking, what would happen if the USA took a more reserved role like many other countries instead of a proactive role? The world and especially the poor nations should embrace US for this reason than they are trying to be hoodwinked to go to the parasitic East which has not offered any tangible help and you don't see them when they would be needed most... America is in every place to help the vulnerable with UN heavily supplied by their military and other innate assistance than any nation in the world.

Eastern powers have bn getting through back doors, as they capitalized on African dictators for instance who are running away from the democratic West and deceiving their citizens about the ills  by ICC etc,  for instance for fear they would pay for their poor leadership in their nations. 

Question if America took the back seat on World affairs what would happen for poor nations ?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Second Generation Christians Are a share cause of " the Boring Church " , Born and raised in the Church and everything is just normal..........................

ARE YOU A FIRST GENERATION CHRISTIAN and you do not know who your number one enemy really is ?……you may have thought it’s the devil, but surprisingly you have to deal with yourself !
I am a first generation Christian. My parents did not raise me as a Christian deservedly apart from leaving me duped in a certain catechism classes where I learnt sacraments and denominational believes. I am still not sure, how I ended up in the “Church “and hearing the gospel other than it was the sovereign will of God. I grew up as young Christian without encouragement from home, in fact at times with opposition, misunderstandings and criticism. Even in this day, some of them are still embarrassed to tell pals their son is a preacher. That hurts, just to be a “Christian “I paid a price that some of you who have had the blessing of having grown in a Christian homes know nothing of.
Should my (your) daughters have to pay the same price? They have the blessing of growing up in a Christian home because of the resilience of their dad contending in God.

Nevertheless, having to contend for your faith does something for you; it puts spiritual steel in your back. Am praying that God not to let my second -generation believer children lose the fire and passion God has put within their parents because we had to fight for it. Can they learn to stand for Christ in their own right…..what kind of children have you brought up……as their faith in God is concerned ……and do you know yourself as either a 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd generation Christian ?
The second-generation believers are not only soft Christians…they cannot contend for the kingdom of God out in the world. Sometimes our kids come home having been picked and put down by their classmates because they are Christians, because their dad is a preacher, but they are also seeing God move, answering their prayers and using them to witness to their friends. The danger facing them though, the spiritual second or third generation is losing the desire to contend for their spiritual inheritance …………GOD CALLS THIS REBELLION!

Some of us, who were moving in a realm in God (don’t you know yourselves or you are reprobates) that was more than what we are moving in now, have ceased to contend for our inheritance -------God call us rebels. We have to maintain the discipline to secure our inheritance. We must spend time in prayer, band together with saints in relationship and covenant, witness our faith and share our faith in the community and with the lost dying world. AMEN
…and do you know the second enemy in your life …….it’s not the devil, you have deal with yourself.

A Publication of Holy Gospel Assemblies …holygospels@yahoo.com.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Pope Francis To Followers: “Koran And Holy Bible Are The Same” Which Holy Bible ? Maybe catholic Vulgate Bible that added 7 books !

Pope Francis while addressing Catholic followers regarding the ominous importance of edifying religious tolerance. During his hour-long speech, a smiling Pope Francis was quoted telling the Vatican’s guests that the Koran, and the spiritual teachings contained therein, are just as valid as the Holy Bible.

Pope Francis 
“Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world. For centuries, blood has been needlessly shed because of the desire to segregate our faiths. This, however, should be the very concept which unites us as people, as nations, and as a world bound by faith. Together, we can bring about an unprecedented age of peace, all we need to achieve such a state is respect each others beliefs, for we are all children of God regardless of the name we choose to address him by. We can accomplish miraculous things in the world by merging our faiths, and the time for such a movement is now. No longer shall we slaughter our neighbors over differences in reference to their God.”

The Pontiff wants to merge our faiths !  Doesn't he know that , the Peaceful God of the Bible is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent , fights for Himself….He says  “ vengeance is mine ; Do not Kill  “ ?   God of the Bible is alive !!

Western Diplomats in Uganda walk out of Museveni swearing-in ......... Shame on him and African dictators in attendace .

 Is Yoweri Museveni a dictator with nothing left to promise Uganda ? ....Embarrassed Africa to please his fellow African dictators in attendance !

Museveni was not right to castigate the ICC  in his  speech  that caused  Western Diplomats to walk out in  protest . They said ;  "We believe that walking out in protest is an appropriate reaction to a head of state mocking efforts to ensure accountability for victims of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity."

US, European and Canadian envoys left abruptly when Mr Museveni made disparaging comments about the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The US state department said they had also objected to the presence of Sudan's Omar al-Bashir at the ceremony.
Mr Bashir is wanted by the ICC on charges of genocide.

State department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said: "In response to President Bashir's presence and President Museveni's remarks, the US delegation, along with representatives of the EU countries and Canada, departed the inauguration ceremonies to demonstrate our objections."  Added  Excerpts from BBC .
President Yoweri Museveni
In his address, Mr Museveni described the ICC as "a bunch of useless people" and said he no longer supported it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Uganda Military and security apparatus divided as Opposition Leader is Sworn in as President, ahead of President Yoweri Museveni’s swearing-in ceremony.

Tensions high in Uganda, as opposition leader Kizza Besigye is sworn in a day ahead of President Yoweri Museveni’s swearing-in ceremony . Museveni has ruled the country for 30 yrs . This for sure has brewed anarchy in Uganda’s and created political uncertainty . 

International observers had observed  Uganda's elections were fraudulent . The Commonwealth observer mission noted that Uganda's elections fell short of meeting key democratic benchmarks .

U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner had said the Ugandan people deserved better.

President Dr Kizza Besigye- Uganda
Toner  further said,  "We encourage those who wish to contest the election results to do so peacefully and in accordance with Uganda's laws and judicial process, and urge the Ugandan government to respect the rights and freedoms of its people and refrain from interference in those processes."

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jubilee will win 2017 polls !

Deputy President William Ruto said he was confident his Jubilee coalition will win 2017 elections. However what has emerged from his home tough Rift Valley has shown mixed signs of this assertion. With Kanu, a dominant Party in the region now says they won’t join JAP a new outfit that should be born out of Jubilee. Senior members of Jubilee coalition from the region ; notably Governors, Senators, MPs, MCAs , the clergy so on from the region have also boycotted joining the new house , which  could pose major blow to Presidents Party. Considering that Both R. Valley and Central Kenya constitutes the ruling coalition numbers made up of two tribes (Kikuyu and the Kelinjin), will challenge opposition to the surprise of many, that has remained formidably united and seeming to enjoy goodwill from the rest 40+ tribes. The latter has her integral regions she boasts of intact as well . What should we expect ….a clash  of the titans ahead ?

Nyumba Kumi not effective in Urban Areas ?

Nyumba Kumi community security in Kenya is an approach about helping to make sustainable improvements to people’s grassroots experiences of safety and security.  Both about the end state – where communities feel safe and secure – and the process by which communities are helped to identify and address their own security needs. Nyumbi Kumi approach on security was to tackle a range of security problems from gender-based violence and crime to a lack of trust between communities and security providers, inter-ethnic tensions or weapons proliferation so forth ......Has this been achieved from your grass root neighborhood experience ?

Friday, May 6, 2016

Busia Woman Representative like other legislatures should be vivacious and talented policymaker.

Politics doesn’t have to be business as usual ; the typical Expressions like “ we don’t need older, unattractive people making policies we don’t appreciate, or It’s better to have younger, attractive people making the policies we don’t appreciate “ , as witnessed both slogans are all false for a starting County like ours . Fielding people just for the sake already plunged as on a fault start!

We believe Busia Woman Representative like other legislatures should be vivacious and talented policymaker, Capable of serving on multiple committees out of merit not because committees are / must be filled in those houses.

Hon Susan Mangeni brings with her immense experience, her capabilities have proven her as competent leader unparalleled . She is a leader who cultivated her own successful career, amassed her own impressive accolades from a humble background , Madam Mangeni is respected for her political activism from an early age, because she believes in things done better. She will indeed turn heads .....

CORD given consent to carry on their anti-IEBC disapprovals by Court, but warned against use of potency.

Court consents CORD’s anti-IEBC disapproval, warns against use of potency.

The High Court has allowed the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) their request to carry on with protests against the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) but warned them against using force to eject IEBC commissioners from office.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

CORD given consent to carry on their anti-IEBC disapprovals by Court, but warned against use of potency.

Court consents CORD’s anti-IEBC disapproval, warns against use of potency.

The High Court has allowed the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) their request to carry on with protests against the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) but warned them against using force to eject IEBC commissioners from office.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sacrifice and good work is never forgotten .......We will never overlook .

After he has gone you'll never forget this Erudite President because of his outstanding work that must be praised. He lives a more popular America for good reasons in world affairs, Cuba and the world will never forget the historic visit well done and Long live,  the Finest.

Ringtone ft Christina Shusho - Tenda Wema (Official Music Video hd) gospel Great tunes

The powerful politician ,Ngilu Regrets Joining Jubilee

Ngilu Regrets Joining Jubilee

Former Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu has attributed her loss in the Kitui Senatorial race in 2013 to her defection from CORD to Jubilee. The powerful politician  declared that she will run for an elective position in 2017.

Speaking in an interview on Citizen TV’s Cheche, Ngilu explained that the people of Kitui felt that she had betrayed them by severing links with Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka thus resolving to punish her through the ballot.

We are watching as her political scenes as the days to elections draw nearer ..

President Uhuru Kenyatta attending the Late Mama Lucy Kibaki Requiem Mass at Consolata Shrine, Westlands, Nairobi.

President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Wednesday that it was a sad day for all of us as we remember the life of the Late Mama Lucy Kibaki.

He said Kenya had suffered a tremendous loss and more so her family, relatives and friends. Yet, even as we mourn, we celebrate her virtues of leadership and commitment to improving the wellbeing of the ordinary Kenyan.

" I know this is a challenging time for her family; however, I am confident that their faith in God will help them through these trying times. May her soul rest in everlasting peace" . The President said while attending the Late Mama Lucy Kibaki Requiem Mass at Consolata  Shrine, Westlands, Nairobi.


Margaret Gakuo Kenyatta - Best Kenyan 1st Lady .

Margaret Gakuo Kenyatta  Pictured......... is the wife of Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, 4th President of Kenya and the First Lady of Kenya. She assumed the office after the inauguration of her husband on ninth of April 2013 at Kasarani in the Capital Nairobi. She took over from the former first lady Lucy Kibaki now diseased ( RIP Mama ) .

Margaret will go down Kenyan History as the best 1st Lady this country  had . Fondly remembered  for her words while launching the successful Beyond Zero campaign, when she said 
“I am deeply saddened by the fact that women and children in our country die from causes that can be avoided. It doesn’t have to be this way,”  “This is why I am launching the ‘Beyond Zero Campaign’ which will bring prenatal and postnatal medical treatment to women and children in our country.”

Likes for Mama wa Taifa .

Pain and anguish as Islamic terrorists in Nigeria torched and burned to death more than 80 children over the weekend.

Islamic terrorists in Nigeria torched and burned to death more than 80 children over the weekend in the northeast section of the country that is predominately Christian.
  According to a police counter terrorism expert, John McHugh, members of the Islamic  Boko Haram used firebombs on a village’s homes and laughed as they heard the screams of children, some of them infants, burning to death in their huts.

Crime scene was filled with charred corpses as well as bullet-riddled bodies littering the streets of Dalori Village and two nearby refugee camps that housed more than 20,000 refugees. 


Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................   Medicine , Mathematics, Speech ( language ) ...