For instance....... According to a Unicef report on the BBC, 33% of children (one child in three) are subjected to child labor in Sub-Saharan Africa with numerous children , victims of trafficking, labor or sexual exploitation, mainly in markets, quarries or fields", according to a UN News report.
America may not be a perfect place, but their children are not forced into child marriage because of privation. It is a crime in America to subject a 6-year old to domestic labor. In Africa, it is a matter of survival.
In America, government programs like WIC and Food Stamps serve as a safety net for poor children to get basic nutrition, not to mention the support from churches and local charities.
Everything that cannot be allowed to happen to a child in America happens to children in Africa.
They beg for food. They go to bed hungry. They starve to death. They drop out of school to fend for themselves. I can name dozens of children who are starving in my village; who are smart, but who are forced to drop out of school because of hunger.
America has children's hospitals everywhere. Even children from poor families are guaranteed basic medical treatment. They don't have to die from preventable diseases. In my hometown, on the other hand, countless numbers of children have died from easily preventable diseases for lack of medical facilities.
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