Friday, October 27, 2017

Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft

Signs and Symbols of Satanism

Signs and Symbols of Satanism
You can be saved from Satan’s Snare. Find out how Here
I have rearranged all of the Signs and Symbols according to what they represent. If you don’t see what your looking for here, Check the following links.
The Signs and Symbols below mainly represent Satanism but are used in and derived from other “Religious” Activities. 
Categorized Signs and Symbols are at these links
Inverted Pentagram Used in witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up evil spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. Any way it is used symbolizes evil. It matters not if two points are up or one. It matters not if it has a circle around it. It still is a symbol of Satan. See the pentagram in Signs of Witchcraft
Baphomet Unique to Satanism. A demonic deity and symbolic of Satan. Can be seen as jewelry It is also now being used by the masons. It can be seen on their buildings and the emblems the put on their vehicles to identify each other.
Hexagram It is one of the most potent symbols used in the working of the powers of darkness. Used to work magic. Check this site for info on a six pointed star of any kind.
Freemason Watch
LaVeyan Satanism Anton LaVey founder of the church of satan
Vampirism Here are a few signs of someone who may be a practicing Vampire. Probably one or more in the form of a Tattoo. Go here for info on the Gothic Scene-Click here for a Large Image and the explanation.
Udjat or all seeing eye. One of few symbols referring to Lucifer (king of hell), whom it is though will pass judgment. Below the eye is a tear because he mourns for those outside his influence.
You might want to read this info on the All Seeing Eye popping up everywhere. Click Here
All seeing Eye Believed to be the eye of Lucifer and those who claim control of it have control of world finances. Used in divination. Hexes, curses, psychic control and all corruption are worked through this emblem. This one is a symbol of the Illuminati. Look at U.S. currency. This one is the basis of the New World Order.
Dragons Eye The dragon’s eye is a well known symbol of protection, said to protect anyone who recited the incantation to it. The dragon is a universal motif linked to various cultures of humanity for 5,000 years. The word dragon comes from “derkesthai” (Greek: to glance dartingly) which, in a Hindu tradition, was the hungry look of the very first being when its fiery spirit was born out of the abyss of water. The Dragon’s Eye symbol stands for the balance of love, power and wisdom. Triple triangles are associated with the Goddess and the nine MusesWikipedia
Satanic Cross Upside down question mark that questions the Deity of God. Within the occult it is the representation of the three crown princes; Satan, Belial and leviathan. Symbolizes complete power under Lucifer.
Tau Cross Symbol of the god Mathras of the Persians and the Aryans of India. To them, Mathras was an “angel of light” or the “heavenly light”. It is used in modern Masonry under the symbol of the T square
Upside Down Cross Symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus. Necklaces are worn by many satanist’s. It can be seen on Rock singers and their album covers.
Celtic Cross This is the basic Celtic cross. it comes in many shapes and sizes (See Google)
It has often been claimed that St. Patrick combined the symbol of Christianity with the sun cross, to give pagan followers an idea of the importance of the cross by linking it with the idea of the life-giving properties of the sun. Other interpretations claim that placing the cross on top of the circle represents Christ’s supremacy over the pagan sun.
Italian Horn Other names….Unicorn horn and Leprechaun staff. Introduced by the Lord Druids of Scotland and Ireland. It is associated with good luck and good fortune. It is also used to ward off “Maluka” or the “Evil Eye”. It also means satan will take care of your finances.
Dakhma of Angra Mainyu is form of Indian Satanism to the god Angra Mainyu (Ahriman). Angra Mainyu is seen as a destroyer. This is coming from an ancient Middle Easterner and Indian perspective of the principle of creation through the destruction
Satanic Temple Right to Accurate Medical Awareness Has to do with abortion
Cross of Nero – Or Peace sign. Another sign that mocks the cross of Jesus. Also know as “The Dead Man Rune”. It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler’s SS troops.
Goat Head The horned goat, goat of mendes, Baphomet, god of the witches, the scapegoat. It’s a Satanists way of mocking Jesus as the “Lamb” who died for our sins.
Scarab Beetle The dung beetle which is the Egyptian symbol of reincarnation. It is also a symbol of of Beelzebub, Lord of the flies (satan). Worn by occultists to show that they have power and is a source of protection.
Satanic “S” Represents a lightning bolt that means “Destroyer”. In mythology, It was the weapon of Zeus. Worn to have power over others. Also was worn by the feared SS of Nazi Germany.
Star and Crescent The symbol of Islam
Anarchy Means to abolish all laws. In other words “do what thou wilt” the law of Satanists. Used by Punk rockers and Heavy Metal followers.

I would like to make a Statement about the following 4 Signs to clear up some misconception. You must use discernment when you see people using these signs. Some peoples hands can configure to these when using hand gestures and look like they are flashing these signs. At times, such as making signals in sports, you could see the catcher or coach making these. Even in church where the worship leader is signaling the musicians of what to do next can be mistaken and taken out of context. Please use common sense before accusing someone of being satanic. If you see those who are ungodly using them you can pretty much assume they are of their father the devil. It goes with all of these signs and symbols. Remember that satan does all he can to deceive.
I have a picture of me with brothers in law posing with a large stingray I caught back in 1985. It was in the local news paper and people pointed out I was giving the middle finger in the photo. No, I was not. It was just the way my arm and hand were positioned and it looked like I was giving the reporter the bird.
Horned God Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand.
Horned Hand The sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.
Witch Sign or Moon Sign Used to salute the rising moon. Also used by surfers and football teams. This is the sign that the furor should be using to indicate the “Hook Um” horns, Not the 2 above
OK Sign Like all other signs, the “A-OK” has been hijacked by the Occultists as a way to communicate with each other. It is also another form of the number 6
“As Above so below” Hand Signal
The term, “As above, so below” was recorded in the Hermetic texts from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, which states: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing.” I
t is also used in reference to the “light bringer” who is Lucifer. Masons use this saying as do many other occult groups.
Indicates one is a Witch If you see this being flashed by a woman, it is almost a surety she is a Wiccan and practices some for of Witchcraft.
666 The number of man. The mark of the Beast. Revelation 13:18
Another form of 666 cleverly concealed
Three Snakes One Charm Egyptian goddess religion associated with Osiris the horned god. It is also another form of 666
Baal Symbol – This is one of many symbols that represent the false god Baal.
Necronomicon hand signs that are supposed to be “fictional”. Tell that to those who use them to invoke demons using them in Black Magick. See this Large image with all 4 together
Sign of Voor – invokes the “Old ones” the fallen angels the disciples of Lucifer.
Sign of Kish – supposed to break down all barriers and open portals. The barriers are what CERN has broken and opened a Portal into the Abbys which is Hell to Loose the Old Ones!
Sign of Koth – Seals the gates and guards pathways. In other words this opens and closes the gates of Hell… to them.
Sign of the Elder Gods – This is supposed to control the gods and protect the one who uses it. Got news for you guys, they wont obey!      

Unincursive Hexagram Designed by Aleister Crowley as the symbol of his Order of the Silver Star, Astrum Argentum or AA
Seal of Babalon – this seven pointed star is the symbol chosen by Aleister Crowley to symbolize Babalon. Babalon is considered the mother of abominations, the harlot or whore. See much more here
Also see Setogram or Faery Star in the Witchcraft area
Mark of the Beast (Aliester Crowley) – The “Mark of the Beast” is a creation of Aleister Crowley who was called “the beast” because he was so evil. The name of the symbol, which functioned in some ways as Crowley’s personal seal, was a play on his magical moniker “To mega Therion,” the Great Beast. The resemblance is to male genitalia and the reason is shown in the combination of the Mark and the seal of Babalon.
Mark of Beast and Seal of Babalon Combined – When you see these combined it symbolizes the beast copulating with the whore of Babalon to bring forth the Great Beast, the Anti-Christ!

Another symbol of Baphomet Aleister Crowley wore this symbol as well as the 33rd degree founder Albert Pike of the Masons
Order of the Nine Angles – emblem of the Satanic secret society The Order of the Nine Angles. The angles are derived from the connections between the seven planets and the seven lower sefirot on the kabbalistic Tree of Life.The symbol is meant to be used as a device for contemplative meditation. See Wikipedia for more on this group!

Swastika or Sun Wheel An ancient religious symbol used long before Hitler came to power. It was used in Buddhist inscriptions, Celtic monuments and Greek coins.
Sigil Of Lucifer The sigil of Lucifer is the symbol which represents Lucifer, the prince of the fallen angels. It is a magical symbol which is used by the people who perform black magic to conjure demons. Then they work together to fulfill their desires.
Bad Company Tied to the temple of Psychic Youth.
Anti Justice The roman symbol for justice was an axe upright. Being upside-down it represents anti justice or rebellion. Feminists use a double axe upright as a symbol of ancient matriarchy
Black Mass Indicator Indicates a black mass has or will take place. It mocks the catholic mass which is full of pagan beliefs. Holy Items are defiled and the lords prayer is recited backwards.
Seal of the Left Hand Path Indicates Black magic and the path to Satan.
Labyrinth A maze design of bronze age Crete that symbolizes the path of initiation. Labyrinths are believed to have served as traps for malevolent spirits or as defined paths for ritual dances.
Spiral Ancient Goddess symbol of universal pattern of growth in nature. A variation with three lines was used by some to represent the number of the beast.. 666
Blood Ritual Symbol Represents animal and human sacrifices.
Sexual Ritual Symbol Used to indicate the place and purpose.
Inverted Cross of Satanic Justice f found carved in the chest of a victim, it means the person was a traitor. The vertical line represents man’s presence. The horizontal line indicates eternity past and future. The arch represents the world and being inverted is mockery of God.
Sword of Power May be seen upright or upside down with a drop of blood. Used by some Satanists to represent light and darkness.
Talisman or Amulet Believed to have magical powers. Usually has a drawing or writing with the name or image of a deity.
Thaumaturgic Triangle Used for magical purposes in casting of spells and the summoning of demons. Found near ritual sites. believed to be the door through which the demon will be called.
Trident Symbol of enforcement among occult groups. there are many variations.
Taken from....

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Christians in India increasingly under attack, study shows.

Where they are a minority take example in Kenya, and other Christian dominated nations these religions pretend to be friendlier and enjoying the Christians’ tolerance of other faiths !!!

INDIA…early this year a survey was conducted ….found

Country rises to 15 on list of places where those practising faith most likely to be persecuted, with North Korea at No 1 .  Just over 2% of the country’s population is Christian and nearly 80% is Hindu.
The persecution of Christians in India has risen over the past year, pushing it up a league table of countries where the practice of the faith is a high-risk activity, according to a monitoring organisation.

The world’s second most populous country has risen to No 15 on the 2017 World Watch List, up from 31 four years ago. The list, compiled by Open Doors, is headed by North Korea for the 16th year in a row.

Iraq and Syria slipped down the table, mainly because so many Christians have fled from Islamic State, the main source of persecution and violence. The Christian population of Aleppo has fallen from 400,000 before the Syrian civil war to fewer than 60,000 now, Open Doors estimated.

The Middle Eastern countries were overtaken by Somalia, Pakistan and Sudan. Afghanistan was third on the list, while levels of persecution rose most rapidly in Yemen.

India experienced an escalation of attacks on its Christian minority in 2016, usually led by Hindu nationalists acting largely with impunity. Just over 2% of the country’s population is Christian, and nearly 80% of Indians are Hindu.

There was also an increase in Christian persecution across the region “driven by extreme religious nationalism, which is often tacitly condoned – and sometimes actively encouraged – by local and national governments”, said Lisa Pearce, of Open Doors UK & Ireland.

The watchdog estimated that a church was burnt down or a cleric beaten on average 10 times a week in India in the year to 31 October 2016, a threefold increase on the previous year.

 “There is a clear pattern of rising religious intolerance across the Indian sub-continent, which affects many millions of Christians,” said Pearce.

“Religious nationalists attempt to forcibly convert people to the dominant faith of their nation, often turning to violence when community discrimination and non-violent oppression do not succeed in imposing their religious beliefs on minority Christians.

“These Christians are often from the lower castes, such as the Dalits in India who face huge socioeconomic problems. They are an easy target for extreme nationalists.”

Elsewhere, Open Doors noted that the sabotage of homes, churches and villages was an increasingly common feature of persecution by extremists bent on eradicating Christians from a particular area. It had been widely seen in Nigeria, Syria and Iraq, where homes had been ransacked, churches destroyed and village water sources poisoned to make return all but impossible.

In the 25 years that Open Doors has been compiling its annual World Watch List, only three countries have led the table. North Korea has come top 16 times, Saudi Arabia seven times and Somalia twice.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Court momentarily stops Matiang’i from barring NASA demonstrators from CBD .

High Court judge John Mativo Tuesday deferred ban on anti-IEBC demos by National Super Alliance (NASA) supporters in Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu central business districts until case filed by Norman Magaya is determined.

This was after acting Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i said the government would charge NASA CEO Norman Magaya for calling the demos that turned bad on Wednesday, October 11. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

1 Essential Ingredient Missing in Most Leaders

Did you know that you get a dopamine rush when someone echoes what you already believe? It’s similar to the buzz we get when we eat chocolate or fall in love. Sounds like we should surround ourselves with people who agree with us, doesn’t it?

Sadly that’s what often happens to leaders, including church and ministry leaders. They are drawn to those who affirm them and tend to avoid, silence, or ignore those who might challenge them.

But as Noreena Hertz explains at the Harvard Business Review, “a vast body of research now points to the import of contemplating diverse, dissenting views. Not just in terms of making us more rounded individuals but in terms of making us smarter decision-makers. Dissent, it turns out, has a significant value.”

When group members are actively encouraged to openly express divergent opinions they not only share more information, they consider it more systematically and in a more balanced and less biased way. When people engage with those with different opinions and views from their own they become much more capable of properly interrogating critical assumptions and identifying creative alternatives.

Studies comparing the problem-solving abilities of groups in which dissenting views are voiced with groups in which they are not find that dissent tends to be a better precondition for reaching the right solution than consensus.

Honest Feedback

It’s extremely hard for a leader to get honest feedback due to the fact that most people’s tendency is to say what the leader wants to hear. Yet how many leaders actively seek out and encourage views alien and at odds to their own? Not many. And, as Hertz demonstrates, this has damaging consequences.

President Lyndon Johnson notoriously discouraged dissent, with many historians now believing that this played a significant role in the decision to escalate U.S. military operations in Vietnam. Excessive group-think is now recognized to have underpinned President Kennedy’s disastrous authorization of a CIA-backed landing at Cuba’s Bay of Pigs. Former employees of the now defunct Lehman Brothers have talked about how voicing dissent there was considered a career-breaker.

Yale economics professor Robert Shiller explained that when it came to warning about the bubbles he believed were developing in the stock and housing markets just before the financial crisis he did so only “quietly” because: “Deviating too far from consensus leaves one feeling potentially ostracized from the group with the risk that one may be terminated.”

Hertz urges leaders to actively signal that they want to hear views different and diverse and in opposition to their own and cites a number of encouraging examples....

Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google, has talked about how he actively seeks out in meetings people with a dissenting opinion.

Abraham Lincoln’s renowned “team of rivals” was comprised of people whose intellect he respected and were confident enough to take issue with him when they disagreed with his point of view.

Stuart Roden, Co Fund Manager of Lansdowne Partners’ flagship fund, one of the world’s largest hedge funds, tells me he sees one of his primary roles as being the person who challenges his staff to consider how they could be wrong, and then assess how this might impact on their decision-making.

Of course, for Christian ministry, we’re not talking about encouraging people to challenge core biblical doctrines and practices. We’re speaking more of vision, direction, strategy, administration, problem-solving, management, etc.

Who is your Challenger in Chief? Who questions your choices? Who contradicts your positions?

And are you welcoming them, listening to them, or shutting them down?

Friday, October 13, 2017

Prof Anyang Nyong'o, the Kisumu Governor is Commendably Transforming the County Poised for Tremendous Growth .

Kisumu County is set to have its first dairy processing plant.  The county government says it has already identified land where the plant will be set up in the coming months, in a move aimed at boosting dairy farming in the lake side county.

 Busia could contemplate of fish and Rice factories to start with. Kakamega and Bungoma should have mega private sugar factories, Transnzoia should have maize flour mills so forth. The entire region will produce ordinary chicken for entire Kenyan consumption if they deliberately embarked on thinking outside the box. Devolution can work for us .

Agriculturally , the region boasts of fertile soils sometimes tilling doesn’t necessarily require fertilizers ,

The proposal of Kisumu dairy processing plant, is a case study of what can be achieved when you get forward thinking leaders. Prof Nyong’o is definitely going to transform  Kisumu County. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Miguna Miguna is stratum quality whose credible views highly needed in this country for anyone who has been keen at listening to the barrister expound on matters of legal concern in Kenya. He is wise, intelligent and a fearless intellectual  .

On IEBC he " the rotten must withdraw its illegal Gazette Notice on the fresh poll. It must be restructured and overhauled. Viva! " . He never predicts falsehood .

He seems to be blending healthily with NASA’s politics that respect the rule of law. The coalition should be keen in taking this revolutionary thinker as one of their advisers as a matter of urgency  . Dr. Miguna Miguna is sharp, and his grasp of law is admiringly sweet , try to keep him closer.

Kenyan political situation needs tyranny of top thinkers and not of defectors singing “yes” and “ Nah “ “ Mtu wetu wanyumbani “ empty rhetoric songs as long as some cramps , left overs and freebies to entice selfish stomachs are thrown around at the expense of a Nation’s proper governance . 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Girl child is not Merely for Advertisements . “You educate a man, you educate a man, You educate a woman, you educate a generation.” Brigham Young.

It’s fascinating to see more girls among top-ranking students; more women having jobs, access to education, money and resources; more women holding positions of authority and making strides in all fields. But, what about all those girls and women who didn’t even get a chance to live?
Unfortunately daughters are still termed as liabilities in this era even if they are highly educated and developing at a fast pace, there is still a higher preference for a male child !

Gender preference and  socio-cultural factors and mistreatment in most cultures like dowry, wedding expenses, custom of gift-giving, inability of girls to take care of parents after marriage, domestic violence, ill treatment by husbands and in-laws, ill treatment on account of giving birth to a girl, and so on. This gender preference goes hand-in-hand with gender discrimination.

In cities, women employees face the glass ceiling effect and disparities in pay. Their non-inclusion in the decision-making processes at almost every level is also a widespread phenomenon.

Due to the wide prevalence of the patriarchal social system, a lot of women are still deprived of the right to own ancestral property, which is mostly given to the male child.

Universal   phenomenon

Gender inequality or gender discrimination exist  in many countries around the world , and women are fighting for the right to vote, to choose what they wish to wear and to own property, among others.

Horrific practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and trafficking are highly prevalent in parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Gender-based violence and honour killings are a global pandemic, and in some countries, women and girls fail to get even minimum protection against these horrific practices.

How do we speak about the ‘missing women’, bringing to light the practice of female infanticide and female foeticide, which doesn’t give the girl a chance to even be born.

So, how can we change this scenario, which doesn’t favor the female child?

Since change begins at home, parents are the best agents of change. We can begin by looking at the positives of having a girl in the family and her contribution to the society.

Women are -

Pillars of the future: Just as we say that the youth of today are the citizens of tomorrow, so is the same with our girls. They are the women of tomorrow. If we want to empower them, we must reduce inequality and gender gaps, and create strong women leaders. We have to let them live today and raise them to be those leaders of equality and development.

Change-makers: Brigham Young once said, “You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation.” Women are naturally more social and thus more inclined to help those around them. By bringing up their daughter with the right values and education, parents can kick-start the change and create a change-maker.

Multi-taskers: Women are much better at multi-tasking. They are taking up roles, which were previously the preserve of men, like CEOs, entrepreneurs, while handling the home and hearth with equal flair. In some cases, they are also the providers in the family.

Creators of inclusive spaces: Women possess qualities like perseverance, a nurturing spirit, empathy, sensitivity which, when combined with complementary traits like planning and organising, are conducive to creating more inclusive spaces for people.

With such strengths that women possess, why should they continue to be sidelined? The girls of today are proving themselves equal to boys in every respect. They are distinguishing themselves as achievers in every field, from academics to sport to profession. They are successfully playing multiple roles in every sphere of life. Their will to develop and help others develop alongside is what can take our society forward. They are meant to be 50% of the population, their voices matter in creating a more equitable community. Moreover, they make a ‘house’ feel like ‘home’. So, go ahead and welcome the girl child with a warm embrace!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Hundreds in Johannesburg protest against President Jacob Zuma.

Hundreds in Johannesburg protest against President Jacob Zuma. ANC should have looked for a competent President. Pres Zuma did a lot for the Nation's liberation, that didn't mean he must have bn the President.

Obnoxious for Shoppers to pay for packaging in Supermarkets as Cofek remain mute.

Why is Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek ) without response letting supermarkets taking advantage of Plastic Ban to extort innocent shoppers ? 

A spot check in large supermarket chains and retailers countrywide have shown they are charging for shopping bags to comply with the plastic bag ban that came into effect.

Chains such as Tuskys, Naivash ,  Nakumatt, Uchumi and Quickmart etc are no longer packaging goods on free biodegradable bags.

They are instead providing non-plastic bag carriers for packaging to shoppers at a fee while encouraging their customers to carry their own shopping bags.

The question, why are they passing the burden to consumers/shoppers when logically they should provide the packages as previously because they still had to spend to print branded plastic bags , others   huge than what they are selling and not even branded ?

Still some branded and rebranded goods like sugar, milk, bread, Crips/crunches are still packaged in unbiodegradable plastics. Which criteria is in place to ensure every company conforms to the ban when we still see these packaging in the shelves ?

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Kenya: Jubilee's Hypocritical Peace After the Court Annulled the Fraudulent Presidential Election Results announced by IEBC.

Those purporting Jubilee did not go to streets to destroy, bangle, course mayhem so forth when the Court annulled the presidential elections, are not aware of the Scripture below . In the said scripture , Jubilee is lucky having been granted opportunity to go for re-run without paying for their thievery and therefore they were not expected to shake even a tree leaf but lie lowest like envelope and make sure they were not punished for their adamant mistakes . Those guys are thanking their deities, servers were not verified might probably have given Hon Raila his snatched victory without waiting to take it in the re-run expected in two months as ordered by the kenya Supreme Court ,he is assured to take anyway . Therefore Jubilee's seemed maintained peace is just Hypocritical , and being done to cover shame .
Proverbs 6:30-31 Bible says :30 Men do not despise a thief if he steals To satisfy himself when he is hungry; 31 But when he is found, he must repay sevenfold; He must give all the substance of his house.


Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................   Medicine , Mathematics, Speech ( language ) ...