Monday, July 31, 2017

Do you think Africa should embrace a Two-Term Limit on Presidency ?

In Kenya , 

President holds office for a term beginning on the date on which the President was sworn in, and ending when the person next elected President in accordance with Article 136 (2) (a) is sworn in.

A person shall not hold office as President for more than two terms.
One time President Mugabe of Zimbabwe in his opening remarks at the African Union as chairperson questioned why African leaders should have term limits. He likened the two-term limit to a “rope around the neck” for African leaders, adding that European leaders do not face the same term limits, yet are considered full democracies.
Some dismiss his comments as the confused ramblings of a man out of touch with reality.

Are term limits truly not a “rope around the neck” of leaders whose people want them to continue serving?

Friday, July 28, 2017



WE have called you today to alert you to one of the gravest developments in the history of our country. We have received damning information and concrete evidence of an audacious plan that the Jubilee administration and the top military commanders have put in place to use force to subvert next month’s election with a rigged outcome.
The plan is to hand over power to Uhuru Kenyatta by completely illicit and unconstitutional means. Every aspect of the elaborate democratic polling system that has been put in place over the last four years will be undermined and a military operation conducted to deliver the presidency to Uhuru. .
Jubilee has clearly recognized – and been so informed by NSIS - that it is headed for defeat after a disastrous four years in which the vast majority of Kenyans have suffered unprecedented deprivation and hardships. But determined to stay in power, it has enlisted what is referred in documents which detail the anti-democratic plot to use loyal officers by “tribe” and who “regime friendly” to subvert this election.
The plans include cutting of power and water and then militarily isolating settlements such as Mathare and Kibra on election day, possibly on the pretext of containing the spread of the cholera.
We are presenting here the evidence of the mobilization, coordination going on to have the military install Uhuru as president in August.
The documents indicate that very large numbers of officers and soldiers will be participating in the plot. Also included will 226 new soldiers, being trained at Mariakani Barracks to be deployed on this mission. The new soldiers don’t have networks in the military. Because they are new, they will readily take any orders, and at the same time cannot be identified, nor can they communicate with other soldiers who might not be privy to the plot and would opposed to it.
The soldiers are being trained on how to cut off power and water in Kibera and Mathare slums and keep people out of city centre.
They are planning to transport ballot papers to rural areas, code named Special Transit Goods or STG.
They will register telephone lines in the names of dead soldiers.
They are tasking engineers to provide military points of contact in central Kenya region. Those military contacts are provided in a letter, numbered 4, as follows:
1. The overall military contact person for Central Region is given as Col J.A Ouda of tel 0727944027.
2. For Kiambu County is Lt. Col VN Mburu o number 0724600594.
3. Muranga is under Maj VM Gitonga tel 0727713155.
4. Kirinyaga is under PN Njenga 0726007555.
5. Nyeri is under Lt Col. Masai tel 0722 917591
Central Kenya is crucial to this operation, which will drive out NASA agents in order to announce near 100 % votes for Uhuru.
They are developing both air and land emergency evacuation and humanitarian support.
To actualize these goals, a meeting is going on today whose theme is”Pro-activity in mission planning and delivery.” The entire meeting is devoted to issues dealing with the election which the military has no legal right to be involved in.
The agenda items include “Election Scenarios and Legal Implications.” There is also a sinister references to “Command Experiences in Amisom – Strengths and Weaknesses.” Amisom refers to the AU mission in Somalia under which our armed forces have obtained their only real experience in fierce war and combat.
The military is specifically being asked to deliver election to jubilee.
The soldiers being deployed are required to be Regime Friendly (RF) an from the correct tribe (TB).
A team of 1+12, meaning command and 12 fighters are the ones to be given lines to be registered in the names of dead soldiers.
They will have power line termination tools and Power Saw.
On completion of the tasks, these soldiers will be deployed on special missions probably outside the country to ensure they cut contacts and their accounts credited with money.
These soldiers are to be supplied with equipment spelt out in document number 6. The equipment includes:
1. Land Cruiser closed-signal Frequency Jammers.
2. Electric Shock flexible baton.
3. Stun gun
4. Hammers
5. Power saw
6. Metal steel cutters
7. 50 riot clubs and whips to each.
For some time now, we have been saying that President Uhuru Kenyatta is planning to overthrow the constitution and use the military to rig himself back in office after realizing he has lost the August elections. We underestimated the scope of that dastardly threat which we have now revealed.

Friday, June 23, 2017


Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................

  Medicine ,
Mathematics,Speech ( language ) , Mining of minerals,Architecture and Engineering, Metallurgy and tools ,Navigation,  Astronomy ,Law and religion, Philosophy ,International trade, Art forth so on.......

Africa is a continent quietly seated on great ideas, endowment  ,without much ado dispatches to the world .


Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................   Medicine , Mathematics, Speech ( language ) ...