Friday, March 31, 2017

Mr Kenyatta ,the son of First President of Kenya and a graduate of Amherst University should never be news .

American college confirms President Uhuru is its graduate.....should not perplex anyone....or seen as big news rather  a lesson to the children of the affluent .

President Uhuru from a celebrity home , is a CERELAC boy who had all the monetary support he wanted in formative years of his education . He could have attended any top school and college in the world if he wanted so that is not a big deal .

However, he must be congratulated because unlike  other spoiled children of the rich who think money is just planted on trees, who  live a wasted formative years and hopeless in their future .

To say  President Uhuru could  grow up spoiled boy would be really  an understatement if he wanted . A dude who flew first class to every place , several trips  in  a year, to visit family and whatever thing and place at will . He lived in State House with every luxury you would think of,  a swimming pool in a “safe” neighborhood considering in “yester years “ . ,bought whatever he wanted so forth . He must have thought that money grew on trees and he could have had as much as he wanted whenever he wanted. On honest life-scale, if not well nurtured these kind of children become very useless. Its not the President of Kenya . 

 To me the president was well brought up and was taught the value of money and work. Congrats to his strict parents.

My advice to the affluent, please  place love and nurturing ahead of money for your children . Lead by example or else a generation may be lost . Its an observation that cuts across.....even in Church we find 1st generation Christians being serious with matters of God than their second, third , fourth so forth generations .

To say I grew up spoiled really is an understatement It’s taken me a long time to realize how “out of touch” my reality was back then. We flew first class to Italy every summer, sometimes twice a year, to visit family. We lived in a big house with a swimming pool in a “safe” neighborhood. My parents bought us whatever we wanted. - See more at:
To say I grew up spoiled really is an understatement It’s taken me a long time to realize how “out of touch” my reality was back then. We flew first class to Italy every summer, sometimes twice a year, to visit family. We lived in a big house with a swimming pool in a “safe” neighborhood. My parents bought us whatever we wanted. - See more at:
I don’t know if it was a generation thing or just my particular experience. For most of my life, I thought that money grew on trees and I could have as much as I wanted whenever I wanted. I had to read and learn so many things for myself. Parents, please teach your kids the value of money and work and, please, place love and nurturing ahead of money. Lead by example by being loving and present with your kids. If you set aside a trust fund, make sure they don’t get it until they are in their 30’s or later. In fact, maybe skip the trust fund! - See more at:
To say I grew up spoiled really is an understatement It’s taken me a long time to realize how “out of touch” my reality was back then. We flew first class to Italy every summer, sometimes twice a year, to visit family. We lived in a big house with a swimming pool in a “safe” neighborhood. My parents bought us whatever we wanted. - See more at:

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WIPER Must remain in NASA

Flag bearer or no flag bear WIPER will remain in NASA period.We shall play any role determined by NASA committee.Kenya is bigger than us all.

Farah Maalim

Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly: 2008 - 2013 | Member of Parliament for Lagdera Constituency: 1993 - 1997 & 2008 - 2013. He has immense experience in Public Matters.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Largest mosque in Europe set ablaze...

Seventy firefighters in south London are battling an enormous blaze which engulfed western Europe’s largest mosque.
Ten fire engines were dispatched to deal with the fire at the Baitful Futuh mosque in Morden, which started burning around midday.
A man has been taken to hospital for smoke inhalation, but community leaders have said they do not believe anybody else was affected. The cause of the blaze is not yet known.

 One man caught up in the blaze is is hospital with smoke inhalation.
Shocked onlookers gathered opposite the mosque, watching a dark plume of smoke billowing out of the building’s roof before they were ushered behind a police cordon.

The fire was reported by a member of the public just after midday.
The enormous building sits on a 5.2acre site and can hold 10,500 people.

At the time of the fire, however, only a handful of worshippers were inside, and were quickly evacuated. Nobody was at prayer when the fire broke out.

The huge effort to control the fire involved the police, ambulance services and the large fire brigade presence. The firefighting operation shut down the A24 and traffic was tailed back for miles as a result.
As of 6pm, the London Fire Brigade said they had contained the fire to administrative buildings and halls around the main mosque, which was not directly affected by the fire – though it was engulfed by smoke. Shortly afterwards they declared the fire ‘under control’.

The Baitul Futuh Mosque.............

also known as the Morden Mosque, is a mosque complex in Morden, London. It is Britain's largest mosque, and one of the largest in western Europe.Completed in 2003 at a total cost of approximately £15 million, entirely from donations of Ahmadi Muslims in the UK, the mosque covers an area of 5.2 acres (21,000 m2) and the full complex can accommodate up to 10,000 worshippers. It is located in the south-west London suburb of Morden, London Borough of Merton, next to Morden South railway station, approximately 700 yards from Morden Underground station.......Wikipedia

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Four killed in attack on symbol of British democracy

Known statistics so far

The attack started about 2:40pm (local time) when a speeding car ran down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, before crashing into the railings surrounding the Parliament.
The knife-wielding driver then entered the Parliament grounds and fatally stabbed a police officer, before himself being shot dead.

Britain's counter-terrorism command have started carrying out  what they called full-scale investigation.

    -Police raid six addresses in London, Birmingham and elsewhere
    -Scotland Yard confirm terrorist killed three, including officer
   - Seven victims of Westminster attack remain critically ill
    -Defence Secretary confirms it is believed to be Islamist-related
    -Victims include teacher believed to be picking up her children
– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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World leaders stand with Britain .....

– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.”

 – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.”

 – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing.

 – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​”

– European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”.

 – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”.

– The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.”

– Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”.

 – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.”

 – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”.
– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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– Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany stood “firmly and resolutely alongside Britons in the struggle against all forms of terrorism” while President Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: “In these grave moments, we Germans feel very close to the British people.” – France – President Francois Hollande sent a message of “solidarity” and “support to the British people” saying France could identify with their pain after the attack, in which three French high school students were also wounded. “France, which has been hit so hard in recent times, knows what the British people are suffering today,” he said. And Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tweeted: “Solidarity with our British friends, horribly attacked, full support for the injured French students, their families and their friends.” – United States – The White House condemned the attack and pledged “the full support of the US government in responding to the attack and bringing those to justice who are responsible,” spokesman Sean Spicer said at a briefing. – Canada – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “Our thoughts are with the victims of today’s attack in London and their families. Canadians remain united with the people of the UK.​” – European Union – European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the attack left him “highly emotional”. In Brussels to commemorate the one-year anniversary of attacks on the main airport and a metro station, Juncker said “the fact that exactly on the same day something similar happened in London, and to London, is really putting me in the situation of someone who does not have… enough words to express how I am deeply feeling.” European Council President Donald Tusk tweeted: “My thoughts are with the victims of the Westminster attack. Europe stands firm with the UK against terror and ready to help”. – Russia – Speaking on Russian television, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova sent Moscow’s “condolences” and said Russia felt Britain’s pain. “We consider it an evil to which it is necessary to fight collectively. In this moment, as always, our hearts are with Britons and we share their pain”. – The Netherlands – Prime Minister Mark Rutte told Dutch television he was shocked by the “horrific” news and said: “The city is in our hearts. We are following the situation closely, and are in contact with the British authorities.” – Italy – Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who observed a moment of silence at the start of a meeting with Social Democratic lawmakers, expressed his “condolences” and said: “Italy and the United Kingdom remain side-by-side in our condemnation and firm response to all forms of terrorism”. – Belgium – “Our condolences are with those who mourn and all who are affected in London,” Prime Minister Charles Michel tweeted. “Belgium stands with U.K. in fight against terror.” – Turkey – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasised that “Turkey feels and shares deeply in the United Kingdom’s pain” and that it stood in “solidarity” with Britain “in the fight against terrorism”. Erdogan had earlier warned Europeans in a speech on Wednesday that “no European, no Westerner will be able to take steps on the street safely and peacefully,” as a crisis between Ankara and the EU showed no signs of abating. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim called terrorism “a global catastrophe” on Turkish television, adding: “All countries should come together on the terror issue and fight together against” it. – Greece – “We express our solidarity with the British people on today’s indiscriminate attack,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted. – Spain – Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tweeted: “Spain stands with the British people. I condemn the attack in the vicinity of Westminster, London. Solidarity with the victims.” – Australia – Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the assault was an attack on “freedom and democracy everywhere”. “But we will never, ever let the terrorists win. We will defeat and destroy them on the battlefield, we will defeat and defy them at home,” he said. “We will never change the way we live. We will never let them divide us.” – Qatar – Qatar stressed its rejection of violence “in all its forms” and its support for the UK government “in all the measures it takes to maintain the country’s security.” – Venezuela – Venezuela’s socialist President Nicola Maduro expressed “full support for the people of London and our absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism.” “Enough terrorism, enough war, enough violence. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and support the victims and their families,” he said in televised comments.

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Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................   Medicine , Mathematics, Speech ( language ) ...