Saturday, July 30, 2016

PRAYER........... The Prayer of Jabez in the Holy Bible


The Prayer of Jabez

And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.—1 Chronicles 4:9, 10
The brief history of Jabez is dropped into the genealogy of Judah by the ancient Hebrew archivist. Frequently these short cameo appearances by seemingly unknowns reveal deeper insights into the word of God. We know virtually nothing about Jabez except what appears in these two verses, yet they reveal aspects of prayer and God’s character seldom examined.
The Birth of Jabez
All we know about the birth of Jabez is that he is from the tribe of Judah and that his mother named him because his mother "bare him in [her] sorrow." The Hebrew word here translated "sorrow" is not the usual word for this concept. In fact it is only used three times in the Old Testament, here and in Psa. 139:24 and Isa. 14:3. The Psalm reference reads: "And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
Professor James Strong gives as the definition: "an idol (as fashioned); also pain (bodily or mental.)" Cognate words are translated "idol" in Isa. 48:5 and Jer. 22:28. The thought therefore seems to be that of wickedness, especially connected with an idol; and, secondarily, the pain or guilt that comes from such an experience. Since the pain, or guilt, is associated with his mother’s birthing experience we may reasonably speculate that the pain was caused by the circumstances associated with his birth, perhaps illegitimacy. Analyzing his three requests this seems further borne out.
The first blessing he requests is the enlargement of his coasts. If we were illegitimate he would have no claim to an inheritance but would be dependent on his father’s generosity for sustenance. (Note Gen. 25:6 for a parallel example.)
The second request was that the Lord’s hand would be with him. If he was not a legal child he had no claims to protection under the law. Therefore this plea is also especially meaningful under such circumstances.
But it is the third request that seems to specially revert back to the circumstances of his birth: "that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!" The word "grieve" here is directly related to the word "pain" in the preceding verse which described the circumstances of his birth. The logical deduction is that he wished to avoid the pain and grief of guilt which his mother experienced over his birth.
More Honorable
Whatever the circumstances that attended his birth, they evidently did not dictate the course of his life. Rising above the past, he gained a reputation for being "more honorable than his brethren." We are not informed as to the acts which demostrated this honorableness. They may have been acts of courage, or of simple honesty in everyday dealings, but they yield a sweet perfume wherever his name is mentioned.
Only too frequently do the instances of our past lives affect the course of the future. It is frequently said, "nothing can change the past." The Bible paints a different picture. Sincere repentance and conversion if we are the erring one, and forgiveness if we are the one sinned against, both have the power to alter our perception of the past. Thereby they also change the direction of our future.
It was the honorableness, in the case of Jabez, which brought about the favorable answer to his prayer. The same is true with us. Our course of conduct in life has a definite bearing on the answer to our prayers.
While the circumstances of Jabez’ birth may have made his inheritance questionable, it was perfectly proper for him to beseech an inheritance. Supported by the body language of a "more honorable" lifestyle than his peers, his request was granted.
So it is with mankind. Because they were born under a death penalty they have no right to claiming sonship with God. Yet those who seek it (Rom. 2:7) and back up their prayer with repentance, conversion and a "more honorable" life may receive "adoption as sons" whereby they may call God "Abba, Father" (Gal. 4:5, 6). Now, instead of receiving the opportunity for eternal life in the Millennium as a "gift," they, as sons, may lay claim to an inheritance, "the inheritance of the saints in light" (Col. 1:12), "joint-heirs with Christ" (Rom. 8:17).
Prayers for enlargement may include much more than larger borders. As the Christian progresses he needs growth in many lines. ENLARGED HEARTS: "O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels. Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged."—2 Corinthians 6:11-13
A large heart is an open heart, an honest one. As Paul had opened his heart to the Corinthians and beseeched that they open theirs to him, so every Christian should pray for an enlarged heart, one that communicates freely and honestly with all.
"I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart."—Psalm 119:32
ENLARGED VISION: "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."—Proverbs 29:18
Each of our journeys toward the Lord began with a vision. We saw an ideal in Christ we could find no where else. We saw a beauty to his plan that showed a breadth of love in his character. We desired to become more and more like him. As we progress in the ways of Christ we need to constantly expand that vision. The more we study his word to find the treasures hidden there the more we will react as the poet, "and still new beauties do I see, and still increasing light."
ENLARGED SCOPE OF ACTIVITY: "Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds."—Luke 19:24
As the most industrious servant in the parable of the pounds was given the stewardship of his more idle peer, so each faithful steward of the Lord is rewarded with further responsibilities. To successfully pray for increased service the Christian must accompany that request by zealously fulfilling then privileges he already has. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much" (Luke 16:10).
Divine Guidance
The second request of Jabez was "that thine hand might be with me." As aliens in a strange land, how we need the guiding power of Jehovah in our lives. Knowing not what he expects from us, how earnestly we must pray for a revelation of his will for our lives. The entrance into the Christian walk is with the same commitment made by his Lord and head, "I delight to do thy will, O my God" (Psa. 40:8). It becomes tempting afterwards to spend all our time deciding what the Lord’s will should be for us instead of seeking his guidance, "that thine hand might be with me."
That nobility of heart and life which commended Jabez to his God will also secure for the earnest Christian the desired guidance and protection. These go hand in hand. The more we follow his guiding direction the more we are assured of his constant protection. As we grow in the ways of Christ and in the paths of prayer our assurance of his guiding and protecting hand leads to the confidence which says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose". (Rom. 8:28)
Kept from Evil
How reminiscent is the last part of Jabez’ prayer, "that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me," to the conclusion of the prayer which Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (Matt. 6:13).
The word translated "evil" in the case of Jabez is the Hebrew ra, a very general word for bad experiences, whether caused by a moral lapse or not, as in the case of calamities. The word translated "grieve" is, however, from the same root as "pain" in the previous verse, referring to the trauma his mother went through at his birth. It is unclear whether Jabez is praying to be kept from the guilt and chastisement that his mother went through, or from committing a similar type of sin himself.
The latter thought, especially, holds a strong lesson for the Christian. The Jewish proverb, "the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge" (Ezek. 18:2), is true in more than a theological sense. Children are strongly affected in a practical way by their early environment and tend to copy the behavioral patterns of their parents. Studies have shown that our image of God is influenced greatly by our image of our natural parents. Not only do we need to be free from Adamic sin and condemnation, but to be kept from the wrong things we have learned from having imperfect family environments.
How necessary it is, therefore, to pray, like Jabez, for God to show us a better way and to keep us from duplicating the mistakes that we learned in our youth. The best way to avoid the pain of guilt is to avoid the act that causes the guilt. Seeking to do this without divine help is to attempt the impossible. As the hymn phrases it, "when I think of self I tremble; when I look to thee I am strong." "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Phil. 4:13).
The Final Assurance
If we, then, pray the prayer of Jabez and if we live the nobility of life of Jabez, that we can expect, as with Jabez, "and God granted him all that he requested."
"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."—John 15:7.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Verizon buys Yahoo for $4.83 billion; Marissa Mayer says she'll stay

 LOS ANGELS TIMES REPORTED ........Verizon is buying Yahoo for $4.83 billion, marking the end of an era for a company that once defined the Internet.
The sale announced Monday marks the second time in two years that Verizon has snapped up the remains of a fallen Internet star as it broadens its digital reach. The nation's largest wireless carrier paid $4.4 billion for AOL last year.
Verizon won the Yahoo bidding after a five-month auction.
Yahoo Inc. is parting with its email service and websites devoted to news, finance and sports in addition to its advertising tools under pressure from shareholders fed up with a steep downturn in the company's revenue during the last eight years.
The deal is expected to close in 2017's first quarter.
It had been expected to end the four-year tenure of Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer, but she said early Monday that she expects to stay with the company.
"I love Yahoo, and I believe in all of you," Mayer said in a statement. "It’s important to me to see Yahoo into its next chapter."
Verizon was considered the front-runner to buy Yahoo.
The mobile and broadband company has the means to make an acquisition this large, and analysts have said Yahoo would complement Verizon as it continues to bolster its media efforts.
Yahoo properties such as Yahoo Finance and its online lifestyle magazines could be a valuable addition to the telecom company's portfolio, expanding its audience and reach and opening additional revenue opportunities as its pool of new potential mobile and broadband customers dwindles.
Like AOL, Yahoo boasts a sizable and sophisticated digital advertising business, which Verizon could use to develop new revenue streams.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016




The latter-day self-proclaimed leaders have abandoned the Fight against Impunity in this country; they have rather defined leadership as a platform for cutting blindfolding deals to feed their stomachs .

They seem not to understand the long-term struggles and hard work against many forces at play; their predecessors have fought all long, because they placed value on the lives of the vulnerable citizens now at stake than any day in history of this nation.

Orengo, Gitobu, Late Wamalwa , Karua, Muite, Hon Raila and others quest to build and support national judicial mechanisms, equitable resource sharing so forth if the social fabric is to be repaired and trust to be restored is fought left center and right, can only be disheartening, seeing these champions aging and no one can take after them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Makau Mutua a distinguished scholar's , application for the position of CJ has been rejected.

Makau Mutua's application for the position of CJ has been rejected by the Judicial Service Commission, which shortlisted six candidates on Tuesday.
The selected candidates are:
  1. Justice Smokin Wanjala
  2. Justice Alnashir Visram
  3. Lady Justice Roselyne Nambuye
  4. Justice David Maraga
  5. Justice Mbogholi Msagha
  6. Philip Nzamba Kitonga.
While Mutua is a distinguished scholar, who submitted a 71-page CV to support his CJ bid, concern has been expressed over his controversial weekly opinion columns in the Nation and Standard.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Distinguished Prof Makau Mutua, Judge Smokin Wanjala and Former Speaker Marende forward applications to be CJ

Who should clinch the crown .....Many are saying Prof MM is the man !

This man MAKAU MUTUA's CV in pdf of 84 pages ....go to link below ;

EDUCATION HARVARD LAW SCHOOL Cambridge Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) June 1987 Student Representative Doctoral Candidates 1986-87 Associate Center for International Affairs 1985-86 Master of Laws (LLM) June 1985 UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM Tanzania Master of Laws 1984 Bachelor of Laws (Honors) 1983 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI Kenya Faculty of Law 1979-81 Finalist Moot Court Competition 1980 Secretary General University of Nairobi Students Union 1981

Smokin Wanjala Education
1n 1984, Smokin graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B, Hons.) from the University of Nairobi.
In 1985, he graduated with a Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.
In 1986, he graduated with a Master of Laws (LL.M) from Columbia University New York.
In 2000, He graduated with a Doctorate in Law (PhD) from the University of Ghent, Belgium.


Perennial Leaders are unnoticed while they are in their seed-seedling -young tree cycle days….Reason chap chap , GRAFTED LEADERS TRAMPLING PURPORTEDLY ALL OVER.

GRAFTED LEADERS WHO DESTROYED AND TRAMPLED OVER THE PARTY you see in the political arena without roots are as well found in churches ;  without complete cycle of the seed- tree –fruit process ; the kind of leaders piled in our midsts without traceable cycle of leadership germinated into trees before they even become seeds to have died in the soil thro’ a process of dormancy  are a big problem as you see. Such leaders are like popcorns ......pop here and there, but the worst bit they never aware if they are in error ! The reason they mess up good and established churches,Parties and everything they oversight !

The chap chap - pesa pap preachers are a traits even more irritating if they are found in Churches as secularly driven politicians  in positions of leadership or aspiring they can't handle but just purport. They have no roots, neither do they produce fruits with seeds as grafted trees indeed ; they depend on other plants for survival and therefore have no life circle unlike those which emanate from seeds and have followed all the leaders’ proper processes - seed-tree-fruits .

In the case of a tree that will grow from seed, which must first die, buried before it sprouts to a tree of its kinds. All trees apart from those grafted undergo thro’ a process that cannot be omitted all the way from germination to the time they start producing convincing fruits.

Different tree seeds will not germinate immediately after dispersal from their parent  trees, and the length of this delay depends on seed types and environmental conditions. During this time funny trees purport to sprouting this way and that way because of seasonal favorable conditions coupled with rains so forth and some education here and there.

Trees that will turn perennial take a long period of time in their dormancy period as seeds in the soil, but when they start to produce , farmers or the owners will eat the mangoes for a longer period…….

Leaders that are made up of seeds that become beans or peas germinate quickly; their process of producing fruits is chap chap and pap pap like pesa pap! Such leaders get weary quickly and their fruits do not last, they grow quickly causing a lot of ado and all gymnastics that don’t last …..Unlike trees like coconuts that remain for many years in their dormancy as seeds before they grow into serious trees and later into producing fruits that last perennially should be a lesson to these leaders and their supporters .

In a nutshell , when leaders who germinated into trees before they even become seeds to have died in the soil thro’ a process of dormancy  are a big problem you see, who have not taken time to learn, and gone thro’ the stress down in the soils , stepped over, experienced all manner of surface heat and such strains before they were ready to start becoming like Mugumo trees……are always a problem not only in the secular world but even in the Church.

Grafted Leaders are even worse because they will never produce sweet fruits besides without complete cycle of the seed- tree –fruit process are the kind of leaders piled in our midsts without traceable cycle of leadership .

I know it’s difficult to identify the trees that have deep roots reason grafted seedlings sprouting without deep roots are not perennial, and now rowdy all over.

Do you think it’s easy to identify the trees that are ready to produce long living fruits from a biennial plants - with glossy flowering plants that take two years to complete its biological life cycle from these chaotic leadership traits , good for nothing left people they ought to have worked for and  served languishing as they hop , skip and jump thinking they are so clever ?

NOTE: Most perennial leaders are unnoticed while they are in their seed-seedling -young tree cycle days….and therefore all good leaders must showcase to their followers the maturity that confirms they are coconuts and not grafted mangoes or oranges without seeds and roots or if they are just like blackjacks that perish after short life span are leaders who’ll never take you anywhere for lack of deeper roots and purely processed trees .....or dont you now see the mess for yourselves . !!!!!!


Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................   Medicine , Mathematics, Speech ( language ) ...