Friday, April 29, 2016

Does it make sense as Kenya Prepares to Burn massive Ivory Piles to protect Elephants ?

More than 105 tons of ivory and 1 ton of rhino horns to make 12 towers which are to be torched  to encourage global efforts to help stop poaching of elephant and rhino in Nairobi. This is the single largest destruction of ivory in history of Kenya . It will coincide with  the Giants Club global meeting for the protection of Elephants which will be held in Kenya April 28 - 30  , 2016. 

Torching ivory to curb Poaching

Does it make sense to but the huge stacks ?  What is the point of burning the tusks of dead elephants?  Ivory tusks are valuable and unique objects. They are gifts of nature, left behind for our use, and from them artists can create works of beauty that have astonished generations of human beings. ( that's why they are poached ). 

Doesn't make sense that the more tusks the Kenyans burn, the fewer the tusks. The fewer the tusks, the higher the price. The higher the price, the more poachers ?  If the tusks were sold to artists and artisans at a reasonable price, the poaching for tusks would be less attractive is the argument here !

With the money generated from selling the ivory to be torched, the government could buy drones and other equipment to seek out poachers, and could hire an extra thousand soldiers to patrol poaching areas.  Kenyans would be richer and the elephants would be safer that way ........

whats your take on the torching of the massive Ivory by Kenyan Government  and other environment conservative agencies  ?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

It’s time to end the myth of the complete leader praises ,the flawless who’s got it all figured out , its all Rubbish to onlookers.

It’s time to end the myth of the complete leader praises ,the flawless  who’s got it all figured out !.....its all nonsense to people who can see glaring coverups of their  worst weakness and incompetence instead.

In today’s dispensation we  no longer need camouflaged leaders' command and control but those capable  of cultivating and coordinating the actions of others at all levels of the organization. Only when leaders come to see themselves as incomplete—as having both strengths and weaknesses—will they be able to make up for their missing skills by relying on others. Those are MCAs , MPs, Senators and Governors we want.

leaders incapable of diagnosing their own capabilities, identifying their unique set of strengths and weaknesses, are those who choose only to pile people who mirror themselves,  are likely to find their organizations tilting in one direction, and missing essential capabilities needed to survive in a changing, complex world, resulting in mediocre delivery , that can only survive through mechanical praises instead .

That’s why it’s important to examine the whole organization to make sure it is appropriately balanced as well. It’s the leader’s responsibility to create an environment that lets people complement one another’s strengths and offset one another’s weaknesses. In this way, leadership is distributed across multiple people throughout the organization.


Below Explains the spirit of this article profoundly .......FROM HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW .

We’ve come to expect a lot of our leaders. Top executives, the thinking goes, should have the intellectual capacity to make sense of unfathomably complex issues, the imaginative powers to paint a vision of the future that generates everyone’s enthusiasm, the operational know-how to translate strategy into concrete plans, and the interpersonal skills to foster commitment to undertakings that could cost people’s jobs should they fail. Unfortunately, no single person can possibly live up to those standards.
It’s time to end the myth of the complete leader: the flawless person at the top who’s got it all figured out. In fact, the sooner leaders stop trying to be all things to all people, the better off their organizations will be. In today’s world, the executive’s job is no longer to command and control but to cultivate and coordinate the actions of others at all levels of the organization. Only when leaders come to see themselves as incomplete—as having both strengths and weaknesses—will they be able to make up for their missing skills by relying on others.
Corporations have been becoming less hierarchical and more collaborative for decades, of course, as globalization and the growing importance of knowledge work have required that responsibility and initiative be distributed more widely. Moreover, it is now possible for large groups of people to coordinate their actions, not just by bringing lots of information to a few centralized places but also by bringing lots of information to lots of places through ever-growing networks within and beyond the firm. The sheer complexity and ambiguity of problems is humbling. More and more decisions are made in the context of global markets and rapidly—sometimes radically—changing financial, social, political, technological, and environmental forces. Stakeholders such as activists, regulators, and employees all have claims on organizations.
No one person could possibly stay on top of everything. But the myth of the complete leader (and the attendant fear of appearing incompetent) makes many executives try to do just that, exhausting themselves and damaging their organizations in the process. The incomplete leader, by contrast, knows when to let go: when to let those who know the local market do the advertising plan or when to let the engineering team run with its idea of what the customer needs. The incomplete leader also knows that leadership exists throughout the organizational hierarchy—wherever expertise, vision, new ideas, and commitment are found.
We’ve worked with hundreds of people who have struggled under the weight of the myth of the complete leader. Over the past six years, our work at the MIT Leadership Center has included studying leadership in many organizations and teaching the topic to senior executives, middle managers, and MBA students. In our practice-based programs, we have analyzed numerous accounts of organizational change and watched leaders struggle to meld top-down strategic initiatives with vibrant ideas from the rest of the organization.
All this work has led us to develop a model of distributed leadership. This framework, which synthesizes our own research with ideas from other leadership scholars, views leadership as a set of four capabilities: sensemaking (understanding the context in which a company and its people operate), relating (building relationships within and across organizations), visioning (creating a compelling picture of the future), and inventing (developing new ways to achieve the vision).
While somewhat simplified, these capabilities span the intellectual and interpersonal, the rational and intuitive, and the conceptual and creative capacities required in today’s business environment. Rarely, if ever, will someone be equally skilled in all four domains. Thus, incomplete leaders differ from incompetent leaders in that they understand what they’re good at and what they’re not and have good judgment about how they can work with others to build on their strengths and offset their limitations.
Sometimes, leaders need to further develop the capabilities they are weakest in. The exhibits throughout this article provide some suggestions for when and how to do that. Other times, however, it’s more important for leaders to find and work with others to compensate for their weaknesses. Teams and organizations—not just individuals—can use this framework to diagnose their strengths and weaknesses and find ways to balance their skill sets.


The term “sensemaking” was coined by organizational psychologist Karl Weick, and it means just what it sounds like: making sense of the world around us. Leaders are constantly trying to understand the contexts they are operating in. How will new technologies reshape the industry? How will changing cultural expectations shift the role of business in society? How does the globalization of labor markets affect recruitment and expansion plans?
Weick likened the process of sensemaking to cartography. What we map depends on where we look, what factors we choose to focus on, and what aspects of the terrain we decide to represent. Since these choices will shape the kind of map we produce, there is no perfect map of a terrain. Therefore, making sense is more than an act of analysis; it’s an act of creativity. (See the exhibit “Engage in Sensemaking.”)
The key for leaders is to determine what would be a useful map given their particular goals and then to draw one that adequately represents the situation the organization is facing at that moment. Executives who are strong in this capability know how to quickly capture the complexities of their environment and explain them to others in simple terms. This helps ensure that everyone is working from the same map, which makes it far easier to discuss and plan for the journey ahead. Leaders need to have the courage to present a map that highlights features they believe to be critical, even if their map doesn’t conform to the dominant perspective.
When John Reed was CEO of Citibank, the company found itself in a real estate crisis. At the time, common wisdom said that Citibank would need to take a $2 billion write-off, but Reed wasn’t sure. He wanted a better understanding of the situation, so to map the problem, he met with federal regulators as well as his managers, the board, potential investors, economists, and real estate experts. He kept asking, “What am I missing here?” After those meetings, he had a much stronger grasp of the problem, and he recalibrated the write-off to $5 billion—which turned out to be a far more accurate estimate. Later, three quarters into the bank’s eight-quarter program to deal with the crisis, Reed realized that progress had stopped. He began talking to other CEOs known for their change management skills. This informal benchmarking process led him to devise an organizational redesign.

Throughout the crisis, real estate valuations, investors’ requirements, board demands, and management team expectations were all changing and constantly needed to be reassessed. Good leaders understand that sensemaking is a continuous process; they let the map emerge from a melding of observations, data, experiences, conversations, and analyses. In healthy organizations, this sort of sensemaking goes on all the time. People have ongoing dialogues about their interpretations of markets and organizational realities.
At IDEO, a product design firm, sensemaking is step one for all design teams. According to founder David Kelley, team members must act as anthropologists studying an alien culture to understand the potential product from all points of view. When brainstorming a new design, IDEO’s teams consider multiple perspectives—that is, they build multiple maps to inform their creative process. One IDEO team was charged with creating a new design for an emergency room. To better understand the experience of a key stakeholder—the patient—team members attached a camera to a patient’s head and captured his experience in the ER. The result: nearly ten full hours of film of the ceiling. The sensemaking provoked by this perspective led to a redesign of the ceiling that made it more aesthetically pleasing and able to display important information for patients.


Many executives who attempt to foster trust, optimism, and consensus often reap anger, cynicism, and conflict instead. That’s because they have difficulty relating to others, especially those who don’t make sense of the world the way they do. Traditional images of leadership didn’t assign much value to relating. Flawless leaders shouldn’t need to seek counsel from anyone outside their tight inner circle, the thinking went, and they were expected to issue edicts rather than connect on an emotional level. Times have changed, of course, and in this era of networks, being able to build trusting relationships is a requirement of effective leadership.
Three key ways to do this are inquiring, advocating, and connecting. The concepts of inquiring and advocating stem from the work of organizational development specialists Chris Argyris and Don Schon. Inquiring means listening with the intention of genuinely understanding the thoughts and feelings of the speaker. Here, the listener suspends judgment and tries to comprehend how and why the speaker has moved from the data of his or her experiences to particular interpretations and conclusions.
Advocating, as the term implies, means explaining one’s own point of view. It is the flip side of inquiring, and it’s how leaders make clear to others how they reached their interpretations and conclusions. Good leaders distinguish their observations from their opinions and judgments and explain their reasoning without aggression or defensiveness. People with strong relating skills are typically those who’ve found a healthy balance between inquiring and advocating: They actively try to understand others’ views but are able to stand up for their own. (See the exhibit “Build Relationships.”)
We’ve seen countless relationships undermined because people disproportionately emphasized advocating over inquiring. Even though managers pay lip service to the importance of mutual understanding and shared commitment to a course of action, often their real focus is on winning the argument rather than strengthening the connection. Worse, in many organizations, the imbalance goes so far that having one’s point of view prevail is what is understood as leadership.
Even though managers pay lip service to the importance of mutual understanding, their real focus is on winning the argument.
Effective relating does not mean avoiding interpersonal conflict altogether. Argyris and Schon found that “maintaining a smooth surface” of conviviality and apparent agreement is one of the most common defensive routines that limits team effectiveness. Balancing inquiring and advocating is ultimately about showing respect, challenging opinions, asking tough questions, and taking a stand.
Consider Twynstra Gudde (TG), one of the largest independent consulting companies in the Netherlands. A few years ago, it replaced the role of CEO with a team of four managing directors who share leadership responsibilities. Given this unique structure, it’s vital that these directors effectively relate to one another. They’ve adopted simple rules, such as a requirement that each leader give his opinion on every issue, majority-rules voting, and veto power for each director.
Clearly, for TG’s senior team model to work, members must be skilled at engaging in dialogue together. They continually practice both inquiring and advocating, and because each director can veto a decision, each must thoroughly explain his reasoning to convince the others’ that his perspective has merit. It’s not easy to reach this level of mutual respect and trust, but over time, the team members’ willingness to create honest connections with one another has paid off handsomely. Although they don’t always reach consensus, they are able to settle on a course of action. Since this new form of leadership was introduced, TG has thrived: The company’s profits have doubled, and employee satisfaction levels have improved. What’s more, TG’s leadership structure has served as a model for cooperation throughout the organization as well as in the firm’s relations with its clients.

The third aspect of relating, connecting, involves cultivating a network of confidants who can help a leader accomplish a wide range of goals. Leaders who are strong in this capability have many people they can turn to who can help them think through difficult problems or support them in their initiatives. They understand that the time spent building and maintaining these connections is time spent investing in their leadership skills. Because no one person can possibly have all the answers, or indeed, know all the right questions to ask, it’s crucial that leaders be able to tap into a network of people who can fill in the gaps.


Sensemaking and relating can be called the enabling capabilities of leadership. They help set the conditions that motivate and sustain change. The next two leadership capabilities—what we call “visioning” and inventing—are creative and action oriented: They produce the focus and energy needed to make change happen.
Visioning involves creating compelling images of the future. While sensemaking charts a map of what is, visioning produces a map of what could be and, more important, what a leader wants the future to be. It consists of far more than pinning a vision statement to the wall. Indeed, a shared vision is not a static thing—it’s an ongoing process. Like sensemaking, visioning is dynamic and collaborative, a process of articulating what the members of an organization want to create together.
Leaders skilled in visioning use stories and metaphors to paint a vivid picture of what the vision will accomplish, even if they don’t have a comprehensive plan for getting there.
Fundamentally, visioning gives people a sense of meaning in their work. Leaders who are skilled in this capability are able to get people excited about their view of the future while inviting others to help crystallize that image. (See the exhibit “Create a Vision.”) If they realize other people aren’t joining in or buying into the vision, they don’t just turn up the volume; they engage in a dialogue about the reality they hope to produce. They use stories and metaphors to paint a vivid picture of what the vision will accomplish, even if they don’t have a comprehensive plan for getting there. They know that if the vision is credible and compelling enough, others will generate ideas to advance it.
In South Africa in the early 1990s, a joke was making the rounds: Given the country’s daunting challenges, people had two options, one practical and the other miraculous. The practical option was for everyone to pray for a band of angels to come down from heaven and fix things. The miraculous option was for people to talk with one another until they could find a way forward. In F.W. de Klerk’s famous speech in 1990—his first after assuming leadership—he called for a nonracist South Africa and suggested that negotiation was the only way to achieve a peaceful transition. That speech sparked a set of changes that led to Nelson Mandela’s release from Robben Island prison and the return to the country of previously banned political leaders.
Few of South Africa’s leaders agreed on much of anything regarding the country’s future. It seemed like a long shot, at best, that a scenario-planning process convened by a black professor from the University of the Western Cape and facilitated by a white Canadian from Royal Dutch Shell would be able to bring about any sort of change. But they, together with members of the African National Congress (ANC), the radical Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), and the white business community, were charged with forging a new path for South Africa.
When the team members first met, they focused on collective sensemaking. Their discussions then evolved into a yearlong visioning process. In his book, Solving Tough Problems, Adam Kahane, the facilitator, says the group started by telling stories of “left-wing revolution, right-wing revolts, and free market utopias.” Eventually, the leadership team drafted a set of scenarios that described the many paths toward disaster and the one toward sustainable development.
They used metaphors and clear imagery to convey the various paths in language that was easy to understand. One negative scenario, for instance, was dubbed “Ostrich”: A nonrepresentative white government sticks its head in the sand, trying to avoid a negotiated settlement with the black majority. Another negative scenario was labeled “Icarus”: A constitutionally unconstrained black government comes to power with noble intentions and embarks on a huge, unsustainable public-spending spree that crashes the economy. This scenario contradicted the popular belief that the country was rich and could simply redistribute wealth from whites to blacks. The Icarus scenario set the stage for a fundamental (and controversial) shift in economic thinking in the ANC and other left-wing parties—a shift that led the ANC government to “strict and consistent fiscal discipline,” according to Kahane.
The group’s one positive scenario involved the government adopting a set of sustainable policies that would put the country on a path of inclusive growth to successfully rebuild the economy and establish democracy. This option was called “Flamingo,” invoking the image of a flock of beautiful birds all taking flight together.
This process of visioning unearthed an extraordinary collective sense of possibility in South Africa. Instead of talking about what other people should do to advance some agenda, the leaders spoke about what they could do to create a better future for everyone. They didn’t have an exact implementation plan at the ready, but by creating a credible vision, they paved the way for others to join in and help make their vision a reality.
Leaders who excel in visioning walk the walk; they work to embody the core values and ideas contained in the vision. Darcy Winslow, Nike’s global director for women’s footwear, is a good example. A 14-year veteran at Nike, Winslow previously held the position of general manager of sustainable business opportunities at the shoe and apparel giant. Her work in that role reflected her own core values, including her passion for the environment. “We had come to see that our customers’ health and our own ability to compete were inseparable from the health of the environment,” she says. So she initiated the concept of ecologically intelligent product design. Winslow’s team worked at determining the chemical composition and environmental effects of every material and process Nike used. They visited factories in China and collected samples of rubber, leather, nylon, polyester, and foams to determine their chemical makeup. This led Winslow and her team to develop a list of “positive” materials—those that weren’t harmful to the environment—that they hoped to use in more Nike products. “Environmental sustainability” was no longer just an abstract term on a vision statement; the team now felt a mandate to realize the vision.


Even the most compelling vision will lose its power if it floats, unconnected, above the everyday reality of organizational life. To transform a vision of the future into a present-day reality, leaders need to devise processes that will give it life. This inventing is what moves a business from the abstract world of ideas to the concrete world of implementation. In fact, inventing is similar to execution, but the label “inventing” emphasizes that this process often requires creativity to help people figure out new ways of working together.
To realize a new vision, people usually can’t keep doing the same things they’ve been doing. They need to conceive, design, and put into practice new ways of interacting and organizing. Some of the most famous examples of large-scale organizational innovation come from the automotive industry: Henry Ford’s conception of the assembly-line factory and Toyota’s famed integrated production system.
More recently, Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, invented through his company a new way of doing large-scale retailing. His vision was of an online community where users would take responsibility for what happened. In a 2001 BusinessWeek Online interview, Omidyar explained, “I had the idea that I wanted to create an efficient market and a level playing field where everyone had equal access to information. I wanted to give the power of the market back to individuals, not just large corporations. That was the driving motivation for creating eBay at the start.”
Consequently, eBay outsources most of the functions of traditional retailing—purchasing, order fulfillment, and customer service, for example—to independent sellers worldwide. The company estimates that more than 430,000 people make their primary living from selling wares on eBay. If those individuals were all employees of eBay, it would be the second largest private employer in the United States after Wal-Mart.
The people who work through eBay are essentially independent store owners, and, as such, they have a huge amount of autonomy in how they do their work. They decide what to sell, when to sell it, how to price, and how to advertise. Coupled with this individual freedom is global scale. EBay’s infrastructure enables them to sell their goods all over the world. What makes eBay’s inventing so radical is that it represents a new relationship between an organization and its parts. Unlike typical outsourcing, eBay doesn’t pay its retailers—they pay the company.
Inventing doesn’t have to occur on such a grand scale. It happens every time a person creates a way of approaching a task or figures out how to overcome a previously insurmountable obstacle. In their book Car Launch, George Roth and Art Kleiner describe a highly successful product development team in the automobile industry that struggled with completing its designs on time. Much of the source of the problem, the team members concluded, came from the stovepipe organizational structure found in the product development division. Even though they were a “colocated” team dedicated to designing a common new car, members were divided by their different technical expertise, experience, jargon, and norms of working.
When the team invented a mechanical prototyping device that complemented its computer-aided design tools, the group members found that it facilitated a whole new way of collaborating. Multiple groups within the team could quickly create physical mock-ups of design ideas to be tested by the various engineers from different specialties in the team. The group called the device “the harmony buck,” because it helped people break out of their comfortable engineering specialties and solve interdependent design problems together. Development of a “full body” physical mock-up of the new car allowed engineers to hang around the prototype, providing a central focal point for their interactions. It enabled them to more easily identify and raise cross-functional issues, and it facilitated mutual problem solving and coordination.
In sum, leaders must be able to succeed at inventing, and this requires both attention to detail and creativity. (See the exhibit “Cultivate Inventiveness.”)

Balancing the Four Capabilities

Sensemaking, relating, visioning, and inventing are interdependent. Without sensemaking, there’s no common view of reality from which to start. Without relating, people work in isolation or, worse, strive toward different aims. Without visioning, there’s no shared direction. And without inventing, a vision remains illusory. No one leader, however, will excel at all four capabilities in equal measure.

Typically, leaders are strong in one or two capabilities. Intel chairman Andy Grove is the quintessential sensemaker, for instance, with a gift for recognizing strategic inflection points that can be exploited for competitive advantage. Herb Kelleher, the former CEO of Southwest Airlines, excels at relating. He remarked in the journal Leader to Leader that “We are not afraid to talk to our people with emotion. We’re not afraid to tell them, ‘We love you.’ Because we do.” With this emotional connection comes equitable compensation and profit sharing.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs is a visionary whose ambitious dreams and persuasiveness have catalyzed remarkable successes for Apple, Next, and Pixar. Meg Whitman, the CEO of eBay, helped bring Pierre Omidyar’s vision of online retailing to life by inventing ways to deal with security, vendor reliability, and product diversification.
Once leaders diagnose their own capabilities, identifying their unique set of strengths and weaknesses, they must search for others who can provide the things they’re missing. (See the sidebar “Examining Your Leadership Capabilities.”) Leaders who choose only people who mirror themselves are likely to find their organizations tilting in one direction, missing one or more essential capabilities needed to survive in a changing, complex world. That’s why it’s important to examine the whole organization to make sure it is appropriately balanced as well. It’s the leader’s responsibility to create an environment that lets people complement one another’s strengths and offset one another’s weaknesses. In this way, leadership is distributed across multiple people throughout the organization.

• • • Years ago, one of us attended a three-day meeting on leadership with 15 top managers from different companies. At the close of it, participants were asked to reflect on their experience as leaders. One executive, responsible for more than 50,000 people in his division of a manufacturing corporation, drew two pictures on a flip chart. The image on the left was what he projected to the outside world: It was a large, intimidating face holding up a huge fist. The image on the right represented how he saw himself: a small face with wide eyes, hair standing on end, and an expression of sheer terror.
Most leaders experience a profound dichotomy every day, and it’s a heavy burden. They are trapped in the myth of the complete leader —the person at the top without flaws.
We believe that most leaders experience that profound dichotomy every day, and it’s a heavy burden. How many times have you feigned confidence to superiors or reports when you were really unsure? Have you ever felt comfortable conceding that you were confused by the latest business results or caught off guard by a competitor’s move? Would you ever admit to feeling inadequate to cope with the complex issues your firm was facing? Anyone who can identify with these situations knows firsthand what it’s like to be trapped in the myth of the complete leader—the person at the top without flaws. It’s time to put that myth to rest, not only for the sake of frustrated leaders but also for the health of organizations. Even the most talented leaders require the input and leadership of others, constructively solicited and creatively applied. It’s time to celebrate the incomplete—that is, the human—leader.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Should IEBC be sent home , what is your take ?

I like your questions, does Kenya belong to this Jubilee ? If IEBC respected the laws they swore to uphold, the scandals dodged them were enough to tell them vacate office . They are instead adamant n elated coz they know despite their errors, the blame and supremacy games are good for their advantage , gov't will purport to defend them as if they aren't supposed to be independent and serving all regardless of political affiliations, coupled by tyranny of numbers misused  in legislative houses because we elect pple thro political waves who can not differentiate btwn oversight roles and singing empty tribal yes songs . Is this about Raila, Kalonzo, CORD or opposition so forth merely agitating for power for the sake or because the commission has glaringly failed Kenyans in fulfilling their mandate ?

Attempts by Cord leaders and their supporters to storm the electoral commission offices were Monday violently disrupted by police. In the fracas Mr Raila Odinga of ODM and his counterparts, Mr Kalonzo Musyoka of Wiper and Moses Wetang’ula of Ford Kenya, and their supporters were roughed up by police as they tried to break into the offices of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to present a petition. What is your take ?
"The commission expects CORD and all citizens to uphold the rule of law as it demands the same of others. The commission will not be manipulated or intimidated or succumb to pressure in the performance of its mandate. It will hold steadfast to the law and render fair and just decisions,"
Read more at:
"The commission expects CORD and all citizens to uphold the rule of law as it demands the same of others. The commission will not be manipulated or intimidated or succumb to pressure in the performance of its mandate. It will hold steadfast to the law and render fair and just decisions,"
Read more at:

"The commission expects CORD and all citizens to uphold the rule of law as it demands the same of others. The commission will not be manipulated or intimidated or succumb to pressure in the performance of its mandate. It will hold steadfast to the law and render fair and just decisions,"
Read more at:
IEBC Officials

"The commission expects CORD and all citizens to uphold the rule of law as it demands the same of others. The commission will not be manipulated or intimidated or succumb to pressure in the performance of its mandate. It will hold steadfast to the law and render fair and just decisions,"
Read more at:

Former First Lady Lucy Kibaki is dead , #RIPMamaLucy

Former 1st Lady Lucy Kibaki is Dead .....#RIPMamaLucy

Former First Lady Lucy Kibaki passed away Tuesday morning in the United Kingdom while undergoing treatment .

Mrs Kibaki, who was born in 1940, had withdrawn from public life during the latter part of her husband's rule, which ended in 2013. She was last seen at a public function was in August 2010, when she seemed excited about the adoption of a new constitution, dancing to a famous gospel song, Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper reported.

Mrs Kibaki sparked controversy after slapping a journalist angry at the way a story about her was reported.

In a tribute to Mrs Kibaki, President Uhuru Kenyatta praised her for her role in fighting HIV/Aids in Kenya. Mr Kenyatta said she had been unwell for the last month, receiving treatment in both Kenya and the UK.

Mrs Kibaki trained as a teacher, leaving her job not long after her marriage in 1962 to raise her four children.

"Her Excellency will be remembered for her immense contribution in the development of country," Mr Kenyatta said in a statement. According to the Daily Nation, she organised the First International Aids Run in 2003. But correspondents say she also provoked condemnation when she said unmarried young people had "no business" using condoms, calling on students to abstain from sex in order to avoid infection with HIV.

#RIPMamaLucy until we meet again .

Monday, April 25, 2016

10 Biggest Armies in the World

The Most Evil Men In History - Idi Amin

French Giant Total Wins as Uganda Settles for Tanzania in the Crude Oil Export Pipeline Project .

The Tanga route was backed by Gulf Interstate Engineering study and French giant Total was the major stakeholder while the Southern and northern Kenya routes, were informed by Toyota Tsusho feasibility study and backed by Tullow Oil Plc. Uganda announced settling for the Southern route to Tanzania’s Port of Tanga as the economically viable oil pipeline exit point as opposed to Kenya. The Tanga route was backed by Gulf Interstate Engineering study and French giant Total was the major stakeholder while the Southern and northern Kenya routes, were informed by Toyota Tsusho feasibility study and backed by Tullow Oil Plc. The decision was reached after a series of haggling between Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, counterparts Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, John Magufuli of Tanzania, oil companies and major stake holders in the region’s budding oil sector. In a join communique issued by East Africa heads of State at the 13th Summit of the Northern Corridor Integration Projects, the leaders agreed that two crude oil pipelines be constructed; from Lokichar to Lamu in Kenya and another oil pipeline from Hoima to Tanga in Tanzania, to be developed by Kenya and Uganda respectively. Uganda’s Foreign affairs minister Sam Kuteesa further confirmed to the media in Kampala that nation has settled for the route and the decision has been informed by the cost effectiveness among other factors. “We considered Tanga oil pipeline route based on a number of aspects—among them it is the least cost,” Kuteesa said. Uganda and Kenya signed a memorandum of understanding in August 2015 to construct a joint 1,380-kilometre Crude Oil pipeline from Uganda-Oil rich Albertine graben through Lokichar basin in Northern Kenya to the coastal town (Port) of Lamu. However, the deal suffered setbacks after Uganda revised it’s decision and duly agreed with its southern Neighbor to commence studies for a possible route to the port of Tanga. Uganda oil learnt that the decision to Tanga route was a motion originated by Total to the Uganda government. Total’s President Jabier Rielo held a close door meeting with Museveni in July 2015 and according to the communique, the two together with Ministry of energy officials discussed the viability of all route options and the best funding models for the project. A source from the Directorate of Petroleum who spoke to Uganda oil on condition of anonymity in October 2015, said the nation was under pressure from prospective funders and business stakeholders to look for a more secure and cost effective route for the project. Total, as a major player among the firms developing Uganda’s fields had raised security concerns about the Kenyan route. A Kenyan pipeline could run near Somalia, from where militants have launched attacks on Kenya. Total also preferred to lead the Consortium in the Pipeline project.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

To Orange's next million customers,welcome to the Orange family with 0776.

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TREVO HEALTH DRINK Much more than a juice drink; Trévo is unparalleled antioxidant super-nutrition. The results are in! With astonishing ORAC and CAP-e antioxidant testing results, Trévo has, once again, confirmed that its nutrient-dense formula is in an entirely separate category far and above juice drinks or other types of nutritional products. Trévo is the one nutritional product you need for vibrant, long-lasting good health. Want to feel better, look younger, and live longer? According to research, if you are not getting at least 4,000-5,000 ORAC units of antioxidant-type nutrition per day in your body, you are quickly losing the battle of the aging process, including the increased risk of a significant list of chronic diseases that have been directly linked to free radical damage. In fact, chronic inflammation at the cellular level is the underlying cause of most of today’s significant diseases. RESTORE, RENEW &REVIVE your Bodies with TREVO Dietary Supplement...... STOP various Diseases & Conditions such as Excessive Stress, Weakness, Eye Cataracts, Blood Pressure, Stroke, Arthritis, Diabetes, Kidney problems, Infertility, Fibroids, Weight Management, Cardiovascular problems, Sickle cell, Digestive Tract issues, Ulcer, Central Nervous System conditions, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Liver Disease, Goiter, Cancers/Tumours, Low Immunity, Skeletal/Bone conditions ... Like Page.....…/ To buy call Antony Muhuma Trevo Coach ID 4792938 Phone: 254, 0722 228 702, 0776008939 Email - Enroll online www://

Kenya decides to go it alone on crude oil pipeline - CAPITAL NEWS.

The decision, reached by President Uhuru Kenyatta and President Yoweri Museveni, was announced at the end of the 13th Northern Corridor Integration Projects Summit held in Kampala. Kenya will embark on the construction of the Lamu-Lokichar pipeline while Uganda will build the other pipeline through its southern borders. The decision comes after Kenya abandoned negotiations with Uganda for a single pipeline project, because the talks dragged on for long and had paralysed preparations for the construction of Kenya’s oil pipeline. Kenya and Uganda have however agreed to continue cooperating on petroleum issues since both countries are new in the industry. In a communiqué read at the end of the summit, the leaders also pointed out that the integration projects have made big strides with the Kenya section of the Standard Gauge Railway being the best example. Construction of the Mombasa-Nairobi SGR section has now reached 75 percent and is expected to be completed by 2017. A commercial contract and financing agreement for the Nairobi-Naivasha SGR section has been signed and construction expected to begin by September. Kenya has also signed a commercial agreement with China Communication Construction Company for the Naivasha-Kisumu-Malaba sections and construction of a modern port at Kisumu and the Kenya Government is currently sourcing funding. On the Uganda part of the SGR, preparations are at advanced stages and the Ugandan Government has signed a commercial contract with China Harbour Engineering Company for the Malaba-Kampala section. Feasibility studies for the Rwanda and South Sudan sections of the SGR is expected to be ready by June 2016 and December 2016 respectively. On ICT, the partner states are working to develop a framework for regional data roaming with a proposed maximum retail tariff of Sh11. The partner states have already adopted a Regional Broadband Strategy and are fast tracking the development of legal and regulatory framework to curb vandalism of fibre optic infrastructure. The NCIP member countries are also in consultations with their respective Central Banks with a view to ensuring interoperability between mobile money operators. Ministers of Trade from the partner states have been directed to fast track development and adoption of legal and regulatory frameworks with Capital Markets Authorities in each of the countries tasked to facilitate regional interconnection in line with the goal of having inter-linked regional trading platforms. The partner states defence ministers have been directed to expedite the adoption of the Draft Accession Treaty to the Defence Pact and to consider the final Mechanism for Comprehensive Conflict and Dispute Resolution. The leaders also discussed a cooperation agreement on the transfer of prisoners and offenders and report progress to the 14th Summit. Kenya will take the lead in drafting guidelines for the implementation of the cooperation agreement and host a meeting at the end of May.

Kenya ranked as third most corrupt country in the world

A Survey ranked Kenya as third most corrupt country in the world. The report comes amid growing public anger over the wanton theft of public resources following revelations over the loss of Sh791 million at the National Youth Service (NYS). Before the NYS saga that has sucked in top government officials, the jury is still out on how the government spent the Sh250 billion it raised from the Eurobond. While Cord leader Hon Raila Odinga at Meru National Polytechnic where he officially closed the third annual devolution conference, April 22, 2016 told the Governors to reign in corruption and deal with the perception that they are the new centres of graft. A weak judicial system and frequent demands for bribes by public officials,Widespread tax evasion that only hinders Kenya's long-term economic growth, and rampant fraud in public procurement are just a tip of an iceberg of some factors of corruption in Kenya.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Devolution is working slowly but steadily despite nascent hiccups

Devolution is working slowly but steadily despite nascent hiccups  .

In 2017 elections you should remember to choose competent MCAs because its clear if a Ward gets a better servant , then grassroots development will jump to desired levels  so fast .

Wards are starting to shape up. In just 3 yrs MCAs' performance with their meager allocations are better than Members of Parliament's in terms of cash allocated to meaningful completed projects rations, even if they don't have PR schemes as the likes of Governors , MPs so forth fond of showcasing  empty talk , WARD Bosses did well  , an indication that  the next 20 yrs of Devolution might  be better than the last  20 yrs of CDF under MPs.

MCAs' projects are standing out than MPs who are constantly passing the button to the Government Road this and School that so forth whenever they are asked why some roads for instance are total unpassable , or lack of water , in fact they are now fondly passing to the County Government almost everything !

Finally our hopes will lie more with the MCAs and County governments, at least them are concerned with grassroots problems than your Waheshimiwas always rushing to cut deals at the expense of those who voted for them .......

Trevo Health and Wealth has beckoned in Kenya and Africa.

Students, Trevo Health and Wealth has beckoned ...........step out of the pack and you could pay your own college fee and start organising your life early as you pursue academic excellence.
The good news of this 24 yrs old student will inspire young people in Higher Institutes of Learning who can take the profiting challenge. Same opportunity now launched in Kenya and Africa , greatness is beckoning on many would - be millionaires like Thombra here in Kenya, but the question is – Are you ready to change your financial status ? READ MORE ATTACHED. To enroll Contact online, Life and Health Coach, Antony Muhuma Customer ID 4792928 , 0722 228 702 and get started . Good lack .


Trevo Health and Wealth.........


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Chancellor (VC). So, the Vice Chancellor knows him because it is only the two of them that use the same brand / model of car on his campus. The major difference is that while the car the Vice Chancellor uses is owned, maintained and fueled by the University, the car that He drives is owned, maintained and fueled by him. He pays the bills because he owns the car 100%. Should the Vice Chancellor leave the job, he would also have to drop the car but the reverse is the case for him.
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The good news is that the same opportunity now launched in Kenya and Africa and greatness is beckoning on many would - be millionaires like Thombra here in Kenya, but the question is – Are you ready to change your financial status ?
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Happy Earth Day 22, April 2016

On Earth Day 22, April  2016,  let's think about our impact and make a positive change.

Political leaders from around the world are gathering in New York to sign the Paris Climate Agreement. At the same time, the global network of Earth Day organizations are kicking off an ambitious campaign to plant 7.8 billion trees, one for every person on the planet, by 2020. What will be your contribution  to this noble course ?

Lets grow the global forest, purpose, create great incentives to participate, and together our collective actions can grow beautiful forests of legacy trees to celebrate the earth and Earth Day in Kenya and the world . Happy Earth Day.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Budalangi Sub-County Busia Aspirants deriving a wrong leaf from their wastful predecessors is worrying .

Mr Ajuma Maloba and other formidable aspirants are shockingly deriving a wrong leaf from their precursors, the all-knowing traits that only retarded development instead in the endowed sub-county.

Budalangi is anxiously anticipating to ushering in a new MP that is for sure …..who will drive the sub-county to higher levels economically  in the coming years, precisely 5yrs or the bonus 10 yrs if must .   Beyond 10 yrs without showing anything meaningful and rampant wasted opportunities  is taking electorates  as fools will come to an end…..what new thing would someone want to do for 15 yrs when they didn’t perform in 10 yrs ?  

What is surprising of him ( the mentioned aspirant ) is  seeming to be heady, a peculiarity which might cost him as a front-runner in this coming duel if he is not keen. Am here to give him free counsel; he should desist from undermining TINGA not only in Bunyala alone but entire Busia, and the best thing he should do,  is to get other CORD affiliate parties to vie on if he is not comfortable with ODM as long as he doesn’t campaign for CORD rivals line with spirit rending in the region .

As  Such scenarios should be expected all over for instance ,ODM might feature for MP or MCA in Murang’a , but do anyone expect the same candidate to drum for Hon Raila in those zones?  Take care don’t spoil for yourselves.

This affinity of aspirants or MPs thinking that voters are absurd can just be driven as sacks must sojourn.  Who determines who should be their leaders; people or vice versa?  This observation is not for Ajuma alone because e is stronger  but for other aspirants as well who sould be thinking about mergers anyway .  Aspirants because we don’t expect them to squander opportunities like their predecessors , who when they got the chance to represent the pple trampled for whole 10 yrs  , are still  intrusive  at the grassroots as 1st timers because they lacked tack in their leadership styles is so open  .  Such ones will be rejected.

In a nutshell the sub-county is only ready for new entrants, but they must showcase good leadership qualities capable of managing resources well, CDF and other monetary kitties  to redeem the wasteful yrs these coffers have suffered under poor handlers only handed people as perennial casualties without hope for their future.

Lets be vigilant now that we want to start the game !

Kenya Sevens day out with the President of the Republic of Kenya,H.E Uhuru Kenyatta

The Kenya Rugby Sevens day out with the President of the Republic of Kenya,H.E Uhuru Kenyatta.

Shujaa Squad had fun with President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House when the team visited the president today .


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Word on the street has it that the flamboyant deputy ODM party leader is the cause of Betty - Okari woes !

" Is Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho the cause of Betty Kyalo and Dennis Okari’s separation? Well, word on the street has it that the flamboyant deputy ODM party leader is a frequent visitor and rate payer at Betty’s Hurlingham apartment.
The Mombasa governor is rumoured to have bought Betty the apartment. Betty is said to be driving a sleek 4×4 courtesy of the governor.
Residents of the apartment have taken photos of the governor frequenting at the Rose Avenue located apartment with his security in tow. “When he is here, security is very tight,” one resident intimated.
We are still loving the pictures and watermarking them. We will share them soon.... a resident was heard saying . "

Mombasa Tycoons sue Imperial Bank over sh 1 billion .

Two depositors of the collapsed Imperial Bank on Tuesday 19th April 2016 moved to court seeking orders to have the Central Bank of Kenya and Imperial Bank give them back Sh1 billion which they deposited in their joint account before the bank went under receivership.
Mombasa based businessman Ashok Doshi and his wife Amit Doshi further want the court to suspend payment for all other depositors who had their money in the bank.

In a notice of motion filled before the Mombasa High Court by lawyer Francis Kadima, the two said that they had deposited USD 8,715,000 as at the date of receivership.

They claim that the reason CBK put Imperial bank under receivership was not due to insolvency of the bank, but a discovery of fraudulent schemes being described by the CBK as a parallel bank that had existed over a period of time.
The plaintiffs said they have learnt of a plan to compensate other depositors using their money, saying that this is an illegal breach of the law and ought to be halted.
In addition, the plaintiffs claim that the deposits held by Imperial Bank at the time it was put under receivership were sufficient to pay all depositors.
According to Kadima, his clients are currently facing financial crisis and health problems due to the action taken by CBK.
In October last year, The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) placed Imperial Bank Limited under receivership over what it termed as unsound and unsafe business conditions.

In December, the Central Bank appointed the Kenya Commercial Bank and Diamond Trust Bank to pay depositors up to Sh1 million of their money held in the bank.
So far an estimated 39,860 depositors have been paid an amount totaling to Sh6.8 billion.
Imperial Bank Limited was founded in 1992 and has operations in Kenya and Uganda.

Why Kenya Sevens Rugby team used Qatar Airways and not KQ

Why Kenya Sevens Rugby team used Qatar Airways and not KQ

As the Shujaas arrived home to a heroic welcome, tongues wagged over their grand entrance aboard a Qatar Airways plane.
What many did not however know was that despite Kenya Airways’ sponsorship, it is Qatar Airways that has a contractual agreement with World Rugby.
Kenyans on twitter went ham on KQ, claiming it had extended too much kindness to Qatar Airways allowing them to bring the team home.
Interestingly, the officers handling Kenya Airways social media accounts were also clueless and kept terming it as an “airline to airline agreement” consequently leading to a generation of interesting memes.
This even as Kenya Airways CEO Mbuvi Ngunze sought to clarify the transport issue by explaining that Qatar has a contract with World Rugby.
“I want to make clarification on certain issue going on at social media about the carrier which brought the team home, that carrier is the official carrier for all teams in IRB,” he stated.
The United States Rugby team is sponsored by Fly Emirates, but boards Qatar Airways while on tour same case for Samoa Rugby and Siva Airways who sponsor the team.
The sponsoring airline can however provide additional tickets for other officials and even fans as was the case for Fiji Airways during the just concluded HSBC World Rugby Singapore Sevens.
Kenyans had hoped that after bagging the first main cup, Shujaa’s would arrive into the country aboard the national carrier.
History was made on Sunday as Kenya Sevens rugby team thrashed heavyweights Fiji 30-7 in the finals of Singapore Sevens for their first ever Main Cup title in the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series.


Look at first inventions that changed the world came out of Africa.................   Medicine , Mathematics, Speech ( language ) ...